Tags - 2013 elections

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Tags - 2013 elections
Tehran, YJC. Hashemi Rafsanjani says everyone who feels entitled for candidacy must come to the stage.
News ID: 1019    Publish Date : 2013/05/07

Tehran, YJC. The son of Ayatollah Hashemi believes that the elections will not run in full throttle unless the elite come to the stage.
News ID: 1012    Publish Date : 2013/05/06

TEHRAN, YJC. Mohsen Rezaei has said that religion and politics will not intermingle in his would-be administration.
News ID: 1000    Publish Date : 2013/05/05

TEHRAN, YJC. The Lawmaker has said that regardless of its truth or falsity, what Moslehi said lately about Hashemi’s hand in the 09 sedition was not appropriate to the Minister’s position.
News ID: 1001    Publish Date : 2013/05/05

Tehran, YJC. The would-be candidate Mashaei has said that his qualification was sealed in heaven and he needs no qualification from the Guardian Council.
News ID: 997    Publish Date : 2013/05/04

Tehran, YJC. Brother to the Supreme Leader has said that Mousavi was chosen by the enemy for his support by Hashemi and other groups.
News ID: 993    Publish Date : 2013/05/04

Tehran, YJC. The Friday Preacher of Tehran has said that presidential candidates cannot promise relations with the US, since it is not for them to decide.
News ID: 989    Publish Date : 2013/05/04

Tehran, YJC. The following is a list of what current presidential candidates have said about Mousavi and Karoubi and the two candidates’ approach to 2009 election results.
News ID: 982    Publish Date : 2013/05/02

Tehran, YJC. The Minister of Intelligence has made implications that Hashemi and Khatami were actively engaged in the 09 sedition.
News ID: 981    Publish Date : 2013/05/02

Tehran, YJC. Ahmad Nejabat, Principalist activist, says that Hashemi’s time is over, but that he is famous for his last-moment moves.
News ID: 977    Publish Date : 2013/05/01

Tehran, YJC. Managing Director of the Etela’at magazine has said that Khatami will certainly not run for presidency.
News ID: 974    Publish Date : 2013/05/01

Tehran, YJC. Rasoul Babaee says that Chamran is a possible choice for the governmental wing to introduce as candidate.
News ID: 972    Publish Date : 2013/05/01

Tehran, YJC. Secretary General of the Followers of Imam and the Leadership Front says that Ahmadinejad intends to Putinize his way back to power after six month.
News ID: 961    Publish Date : 2013/04/30

Tehran, YJC. Candidate says that he will use all his power to take care of Karoubi and Mousavi once President.
News ID: 958    Publish Date : 2013/04/29

Tehran, YJC. Hashemi’s son says that his father does not yet consider running for presidency.
News ID: 948    Publish Date : 2013/04/29

Tehran, YJC. Candidate says that at a time when corruption rages in the country, to fight it one must start from top authorities.
News ID: 944    Publish Date : 2013/04/28

Tehran, YJC. A member of the Reform Front has said that in case Kavakebian does not abide to the Reformists’ coalition he will no longer represent their front.
News ID: 936    Publish Date : 2013/04/28

Tehran, YCJ. Habibollah Asgar Oladi has said that as long as candidates are not popular, they cannot rely on their legitimacy.
News ID: 929    Publish Date : 2013/04/27

Tehran, YJC. Lankarani says that Hashemi better keep to his current position and put presidency out of mind.
News ID: 927    Publish Date : 2013/04/27

Tehran, YJC. Kavakebian has condemned Ahmadinejad’s struggles as baseless, saying that the government’s candidate has no place with the nation.
News ID: 914    Publish Date : 2013/04/25