Kavakebian: People do not favor govt.

Young journalists club

News ID: 914
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:37 - 25 April 2013
Tehran, YJC. Kavakebian has condemned Ahmadinejad’s struggles as baseless, saying that the government’s candidate has no place with the nation.

Mostafa Kavakebian said in a news conference by YJC "Mr. Ahmadinejad has proven that he does not abide reason. No one can predict his programs. One might say something and then find out Ahmadinejad has done otherwise.”

He added "My findings say that the govt. will definitely have a candidate in the elections and that it will definitely invest in him.”

He added "The government enjoys its office so much that it will not let it loose easily. But if the aim is to serve people it must not be conducted through Sharia-unfriendly procedures. If we are to do a service we must do it within the framework of our values.”

"It is to regret that we sometimes feel the government folks are after preserving their office by hook or by crook, creating illegal circumstances sometimes,” Kavakebian said.

Himself a Reformist candidate, Kavakebian said "If the government’s candidate is introduced according to reasonable criteria he sure won’t have the people’s support. The reason for that is the country’s disorganized economy. With these in mind the people will no way vote for the government again.”

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