Tags - 2013 elections

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Tags - 2013 elections
Tehran, YJC. Former Lawmaker has announced his candidacy for upcoming elections with “Neauphle-le-Château Charter” as his slogan.
News ID: 904    Publish Date : 2013/04/24

A member of the Central Council of the Resistance Front believes that the 10th administration has harked back to the previous two administrations.
News ID: 903    Publish Date : 2013/04/24

Tehran, YJC. Qalibaf has criticized double standards in talking about sanctions as a sort of run-of-the-mill policy.
News ID: 899    Publish Date : 2013/04/24

Tehran, YJC. Qalibaf and Haddad Adel have given Ahmadinejad’s statements on the Holocaust severe backlash.
News ID: 897    Publish Date : 2013/04/24

Tehran, YJC. Principalist Majority Coalition member says although formerly minister in Hashemi’s cabinet, he did not approve of the administration in general.
News ID: 892    Publish Date : 2013/04/23

Tehran, YJC. The to-be candidate says if he is elected President, his cabinet will consist of little-known figures.
News ID: 885    Publish Date : 2013/04/23

Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says that allegations on Ahmadinejad’s intention to assign a presidential representative are baseless.
News ID: 876    Publish Date : 2013/04/22

Tehran, YJC. Hassan Rohani has said that although students must be free in socio-political activity, the country’s interests are the only limit.
News ID: 874    Publish Date : 2013/04/22

Tehran, YJC. Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces has said that as the elections draw on his respective department is prepared to fight anything unseemly.
News ID: 871    Publish Date : 2013/04/22

Tehran, YJC. The former Minister of Health has discussed his agenda for administering the country if President at a conference Sunday.
News ID: 870    Publish Date : 2013/04/22

Tehran, YJC. The President has said that the country’s political arena is nobody’s special province and that the measure is the nation’s vote.
News ID: 866    Publish Date : 2013/04/21

Tehran, YJC. Deputy Speaker of the Majlis says that in the electoral campaigns one must not confuse the Reform Front with the Seditious.
News ID: 862    Publish Date : 2013/04/21

Tehran, YJC. Velayati believes that to have a robust economy one needs to strengthen foreign relations.
News ID: 860    Publish Date : 2013/04/21

Tehran, YJC. Secretary of the National Security Committee has said that if he is to run for the upcoming presidentials, he will go single.
News ID: 861    Publish Date : 2013/04/21

Tehran, YJC. Mohsen Rezaee says if elected President, his administrational priority would be to dam inflation.
News ID: 857    Publish Date : 2013/04/21

Tehran, YJC. Deputy Speaker of the Majlis says that the Iranian economy is afflicted by both domestic and US policies.
News ID: 849    Publish Date : 2013/04/20

Tehran, YJC. As we approach the opening time for presidential candidacy, suspicions raise whether Jalili has something in mind.
News ID: 843    Publish Date : 2013/04/20

Tehran, YJC. Qalibaf has said that sanctions imposed on Iran have not affected the affairs of the Municipality.
News ID: 842    Publish Date : 2013/04/20

Tehran, YJC. Haddad Adel says he is driven mad by the government's behavior.
News ID: 839    Publish Date : 2013/04/20

Tehran, YJC. Head of Baran Foundation has quoted Khatami as having said he does not say "NO" to running for elections.
News ID: 830    Publish Date : 2013/04/18