Tehran, YJC. Deputy Speaker of the Majlis says that in the electoral campaigns one must not confuse the Reform Front with the Seditious.
Mohammadreza Bahonar said Saturday
evening in the Conference on Principalist Discourse in Urmia "There are
revolutionary people among the Reformist and they must not be
mistaken for the seditious.”
He also rejected words going
around in the society saying there is no difference between the candidates and
said "Contrary to these opinions I believe it is very important who is going to
be President, since the government and President’s behavior has direct impact
on people’s lives and penetrates deep into their homes.”
Bahonar pointed out that the upcoming elections will be a
tri-polar one between the Principalist, government’s representative, and
He also asked the Principalists and principalist coalitions
to make consensus on one person prior to the application time.
The Majlis Deputy Speaker also addressed the possibilities
of Hashemi’s candidacy and added "I advise him not to enter the elections front,
but the matter is on the knees of the gods.”