Tags - larijani

Young journalists club

Tags - larijani
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s parliament speaker Ali Larijani said tough action, not propaganda campaign, is needed in the fight against the ISIL terrorist group.
News ID: 5700    Publish Date : 2014/12/09

Tehran, YJC. Secretary of Iran's Human Rights Council Mohammad Javad Larijani said drug-related cases are going to be treated differently from now on.
News ID: 5670    Publish Date : 2014/12/06

Tehran, YJC. The Islamic Republic of Iran's Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani praised Pakistan as a friendly and brotherly neigbor.
News ID: 5668    Publish Date : 2014/12/06

Tehran, YJC. The speaker of Iran's parliament is going to visit Pakistan on Thursday.
News ID: 5657    Publish Date : 2014/12/03

Tehran, YJC. Head of Iran's Judiciary Branch says Iran would have defiled its national dignity if it had accepted excessive demands by Western nuclear negotiators.
News ID: 5599    Publish Date : 2014/11/26

Tehran, YJC. Larijani who is now in Djibouti, met with his Somalian counterpart on Saturday.
News ID: 5567    Publish Date : 2014/11/23

Tehrna, YJC. Head of Iran’s Judiciary Sadeq Amoli Larijani said that a request to give Iran’s Justice Ministry new privileges has been rejected.
News ID: 5550    Publish Date : 2014/11/20

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s human rights chief says extensive efforts to improve the country’s human rights situation have been challenged by politically-motivated meddlesome policies.
News ID: 5412    Publish Date : 2014/11/01

Tehran, YJC. Head of the Iranian Judiciary’s Human Rights Staff Mohammad Javad Larijani in a live interview on national TV on Sunday evening said there are a number of problems with the way the UN rapporteur covers Iran’s human rights issues.
News ID: 5380    Publish Date : 2014/10/27

Tehran, YJC. Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani appeared in a video-conference interview with CNN's Christian Amanpour on Tuesday evening to talk about Iran's policies on foreign as well as domestic affairs.
News ID: 5293    Publish Date : 2014/10/15

Tehran, YJC. Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has called on the international community to pay due attention to terrorists’ violence against women, especially in Iraq and Syria.
News ID: 5290    Publish Date : 2014/10/15

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani says that Muslims have to rely only on themselves and realize that the Western offer of bombing ISIL will turn into a vice in the future.
News ID: 5274    Publish Date : 2014/10/12

Tehran, YJC. Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani has said that Turkey’s moves in Iraq and Syria have to be studied carefully.
News ID: 5242    Publish Date : 2014/10/07

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said on Friday that the UK Prime Minister David Cameron looks like a child who swears out of fear.
News ID: 5174    Publish Date : 2014/09/27

Tehran, YJC. Iranian and Nigerian parliamentarians have discussed cooperation prospects in agriculture and animal husbandry.
News ID: 5138    Publish Date : 2014/09/23

Tehran, YJC. Head of Iran’s legislative branch says the US cannot fool Iran into neglecting its nuclear rights.
News ID: 5123    Publish Date : 2014/09/21

Tehran, YJC. Larijani says with terrorist militants will not be removed with classical airstrikes.
News ID: 5056    Publish Date : 2014/09/14

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Majlis Speaker says Imam Khomeini’s mode of thought has influenced the Middle East.
News ID: 5025    Publish Date : 2014/09/09

Tehran, YJC. The Supreme Leader of Iran has reinstated the country’s Head of Judiciary.
News ID: 4833    Publish Date : 2014/08/14

Tehran, YJC. Larijani says while the West pursues its plans for the ME through tension, the Muslim nation must stand by each other.
News ID: 4825    Publish Date : 2014/08/13