Tags - larijani

Young journalists club

Tags - larijani
TEHRAN, May 29, YJC - Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani congratulated his Lebanese counterpart Nabih Berri on the anniversary of liberating southern Lebanon occupied by Zionist regime.
News ID: 10047    Publish Date : 2017/05/29

TEHRAN, May 23, YJC - Iran’s Parliament Spokesman, referring to the US president’s trip to Riyadh, says Riyadh is an exporting center of terrorism.
News ID: 9846    Publish Date : 2017/05/23

TEHRAN, May 19, YJC - Iranian parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that high turnout in Iranian election would boost the country’s security in the region.
News ID: 9756    Publish Date : 2017/05/19

TEHRAN, May 13, YJC - Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani congratulated Ismail Haniyeh on his election as Hamas Chief of Staff.
News ID: 9596    Publish Date : 2017/05/13

TEHRAN, May 9, YJC - Iranian Parliament Speaker Larijani said enemies are nowadays attacking pillars of the Islamic world with terrorists paving the path for arrogance and Zionists to conspire against Muslims.
News ID: 9506    Publish Date : 2017/05/09

TEHRAN, May 2, YJC - Tehran’s 30th International Book Fair was officially opened in a ceremony attended by Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, Minister of Culture Reza Salehi-Amiri and Deputy Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism Hon Antimo Cesaro as the special guest.
News ID: 9354    Publish Date : 2017/05/02

TEHRAN, April 21, YJC - Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani urged caution against hostile plots aimed at harming Iran during the upcoming elections.
News ID: 9084    Publish Date : 2017/04/21

TEHRAN, April 17, YJC - Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that Caspian Sea security should be provided by littoral states of the sea.
News ID: 8992    Publish Date : 2017/04/17

TEHRAN, April 1, YJC - Islamic Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has slammed the “brazen and disruptive” US moves in the Middle East, saying Washington has ties with all terrorist currents.
News ID: 8595    Publish Date : 2017/04/01

TEHRAN, March 28, YJC - Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said the parliament is ready to approve legal mechanisms to develop bilateral ties between Iran and Bangladesh.
News ID: 8481    Publish Date : 2017/03/28

Iran says the Israeli prime minister “clearly” showed in his recent remarks opposing Iranian counterterror contribution to Syria that Tel Aviv is behind the ongoing war in the Arab country.
News ID: 8252    Publish Date : 2017/03/12

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani congratulated Frank-Walter Steinmeier over his election as German President.
News ID: 7713    Publish Date : 2017/02/13

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani reiterated that military approach is not the solution to Syrian and Yemeni crises.
News ID: 7687    Publish Date : 2017/02/11

Parliament Speaker Larijani said certain political difference, by counseling certain facts, undermine Iran’s great Revolution which impressed the whole Islamic world.
News ID: 7519    Publish Date : 2017/01/31

Iran’s parliament spokesman said that US action of banning visas showed that they are frightened and even fears themselves.
News ID: 7473    Publish Date : 2017/01/29

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said the Palestinian issue has been overshadowed by the crises gripping the Middle East region.
News ID: 7198    Publish Date : 2017/01/11

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani hailed the recent advances by the Syrian army and pro-government forces against foreign-backed terrorists, saying Syria is the flag-bearer of the war on terrorism and Zionism.
News ID: 6993    Publish Date : 2017/01/01

Iran’s Parliament head: Iran’s great nation fought against wrongdoings after months of internal political chaos and various trouble-makings in 2009.
News ID: 6893    Publish Date : 2016/12/28

Tehran, YJC. Larijani on Monday praised as promising the recent framework nuclear agreement between Tehran and world powers.
News ID: 6710    Publish Date : 2015/04/06

Tehran, YJC. Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani described his talks with Kuwaiti emir as “positive”, saying that the two sides exchanged views on a whole range of issues, including bilateral ties and regional developments.
News ID: 6566    Publish Date : 2015/03/10