Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani reiterated that military approach is not the solution to Syrian and Yemeni crises.

"One of the regional problems is escaping democracy and ignoring its importance in stability and power of countries,” he said in a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven here in Tehran on Saturday.
"One of the reasons of this much insecurity in the region is that certain countries regard military strike as the only solution to regional problems, whereas we believe that political solution through establishment of democracy and formation of a national unity government is the best way to put an end to the hostilities,” Larijani continued.
Lofven, for his part, said his country is after boosting bilateral ties with Iran in various fields.
"Transportation, energy, mines and new information technologies are appropriate fields for bilateral ties between the two countries,” he said.
Lofven added Swedish parliament is after boosting bilateral ties with Iran as well.
The European diplomat expressed hope that Syrian and Yemenis crises would be settled as soon as possible through political means.
Lofven called Iran an important and influential country in settlement of regional crises, and called for further talks on expanding bilateral economic cooperation.