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Tags - larijani
TEHRAN, YJC.-- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in a meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni underscored that the western states are needed to show honesty and seriousness in nuclear talks to reach a final deal with Tehran, FNA reported.
News ID: 6478    Publish Date : 2015/03/01

Tehran, YJC. Majlis Speaker has said that the 5+1 member states are happy to be negotiating with Iran since they have no other choice.
News ID: 6448    Publish Date : 2015/02/27

TEHRAN, YJC.-- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warned against the western powers' new plots for the region by trying to increase the number of their warships, and underlined that Iran's Armed Forces are fully ready to maintain security of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormouz without any need to the presence of the trans-regional forces, FNA reported.
News ID: 6445    Publish Date : 2015/02/26

TEHRAN – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has deplored U.S. president’s “inability” to take a wise decision regarding Iran’s “flexibility” in nuclear talks.
News ID: 6188    Publish Date : 2015/02/02

Tehran, YJC. Larijani said the US president should clearly know the Iranian nation would never surrender to US pressures.
News ID: 6185    Publish Date : 2015/02/01

TEHRAN, YJC. The Majlis (parliament) has devised retaliatory plans if the US imposes more sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.
News ID: 6096    Publish Date : 2015/01/24

TEHRAN, YJC. The Iranian Majlis (parliament) Speaker Ali Larijani has said that despite minor disagreements, Iran and Turkey do their best to keep their cooperation robust and constructive.
News ID: 6094    Publish Date : 2015/01/21

Tehran, YJC. The parliament speaker says Israel is behind all terrorist acts carried out in the Middle East.
News ID: 6086    Publish Date : 2015/01/20

Tehran, YJC. Larijani is scheduled to visit Turkey on Tuesday in order to attend the 10th meeting of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union (IIPU).
News ID: 6060    Publish Date : 2015/01/18

Tehran, YJC. The Majlis Speaker has said that the MPs are mulling over a motion to bound the Iranian government to limitless enrichment of uranium.
News ID: 6034    Publish Date : 2015/01/15

TEHRAN, YJC. Majlis speaker said on Saturday that diverging views of certain regional states would not influence Tehran’s attempt to maintain unity.
News ID: 5985    Publish Date : 2015/01/10

Tehran, YJC. Iran's Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani praised Iraq for recent new achievements against terrorists, stating the entire region is to benefit as the Arab country regains stability.
News ID: 5964    Publish Date : 2015/01/07

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Larijani delivered a speech on the Muslim world’s capacities and difficulties at the closing ceremony of the 5th International Quran Competition which was being held in the capital Tehran.
News ID: 5945    Publish Date : 2015/01/05

Tehran, YJC. The president of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq hailed Iran’s support for the Iraqi government and nation in their fight against terrorists.
News ID: 5844    Publish Date : 2014/12/27

Tehran. YJC. Some countries have chosen to stir up terror in Iraq in attempt to stop the country’s potential progress in the Middle East region, Ali Larijani has said.
News ID: 5840    Publish Date : 2014/12/25

Tehran, YJC. Iran's Larijani says that the Islamic Republic has always supported the democratic policies of the neighbor Iraq.
News ID: 5830    Publish Date : 2014/12/24

Tehran, YJC. The Foreign Minister of Syria Walid al-Muallem has appreciated Iran for its unwavering support for the Syria since the outbreak of a crisis 3 years ago.
News ID: 5813    Publish Date : 2014/12/22

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s parliament speaker has met with the Syrian President Bashar Assad.
News ID: 5805    Publish Date : 2014/12/22

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani is to start a regional tour as part of a series of efforts “to strengthen the resistance front” within the region.
News ID: 5793    Publish Date : 2014/12/20

Tehran, YJC. Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani denounced as “fake” the US-led coalition pretending to fight the ISIL group in Iraq and Syria.
News ID: 5717    Publish Date : 2014/12/10