Tags - taliban

Young journalists club

Tags - taliban
Monday, 30 August 2021 (YJC)_ The Turkish president told reporters yesterday that he was seeking an agreement with the Taliban, similar to the one with Libya.
News ID: 53050    Publish Date : 2021/08/30

Sunday, 29 August 2021 (YJC)_ A senior Taliban member stressed the need to continue negotiations with Afghan politicians and establish a comprehensive government in the country.
News ID: 53035    Publish Date : 2021/08/29

Saturday, 28 August 2021 (YJC)_ The UN Secretary-General said that Afghanistan's neighbors should be supported in relation to the refugee issue, adding that everyone should work with the Taliban to ensure security.
News ID: 53023    Publish Date : 2021/08/28

Saturday, 28 August 2021 (YJC)_ The Taliban Minister of Information and Culture said the group would take important steps to combat drug cultivation and production.
News ID: 53022    Publish Date : 2021/08/28

Saturday, 28 August 2021 (YJC)_ While the Taliban claimed control of Kabul airport, the Pentagon spokesman emphasized that the gates and operations at Kabul airport were still under US control.
News ID: 53013    Publish Date : 2021/08/28

Saturday, 28 August 2021 (YJC)_ A State Department spokesman said Friday evening that the United States would consult with allies and partners on the future of engagement with the Taliban.
News ID: 53011    Publish Date : 2021/08/28

Friday, 27 August 2021 (YJC)_ ISIS-affiliated news media reported that the group claimed responsibility for Thursday night's terrorist attacks near Kabul International Airport.
News ID: 52997    Publish Date : 2021/08/27

Friday, 27 August 2021 (YJC)_ Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow had not yet recognized the Taliban's rule in Afghanistan.
News ID: 52996    Publish Date : 2021/08/27

Friday, 27 August 2021 (YJC)_ According to NATO, following the recent bombings, the Taliban intend to increase the number of troops entering Kabul airport.
News ID: 52987    Publish Date : 2021/08/27

Thursday, 26 August 2021 (YJC)_ The former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan told the BBC that the group had no plans to repeat past austerity and had already fulfilled its commitments.
News ID: 52976    Publish Date : 2021/08/26

Thursday, 26 August 2021 (YJC)_ The spokesman for the Turkish presidency said the Taliban was seeking technical support from Ankara over the management of Kabul airport, adding that Turkish experts could help run the airport after the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Afghanistan.
News ID: 52954    Publish Date : 2021/08/26

Tuesday, 24 August 2021 (YJC)_ According to a senior administration official US president has decided to stick with the August 31 deadline for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.
News ID: 52933    Publish Date : 2021/08/24

Tuesday, 24 August 2021 (YJC)_ Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said The US military will destroy weapons and other military equipment if needed.
News ID: 52932    Publish Date : 2021/08/24

Tuesday, 24 August 2021 (YJC)_ One week after the Taliban arrived in Kabul and the group requested that the staff return to work, many offices and ministries are still closed.
News ID: 52917    Publish Date : 2021/08/24

Tuesday, 24 August 2021 (YJC)_ The White House National Security Adviser said the United States was in contact with the Taliban about its operation at Kabul airport, claiming that there was a possibility of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization regaining power in Afghanistan.
News ID: 52914    Publish Date : 2021/08/24

Monday, 23 August 2021 (YJC)_ Ahmad Massoud, son of the late Afghan leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, warned the Taliban against entering Panjshir province and said he had the support of former government forces and the people of Panjshir.
News ID: 52895    Publish Date : 2021/08/23

Saturday, 21 August 2021 (YJC)_ The chief of the political office of the Taliban intends to decide on the structure of the future government while the group claims it's protecting thousands of western forces inside Kabul airport.
News ID: 52857    Publish Date : 2021/08/21

Saturday, 21 August 2021 (YJC)_ Afghan news sources reported that the Taliban group took away 50 Indian citizens from near Kabul airport on Saturday.
News ID: 52851    Publish Date : 2021/08/21

Friday, 20 August 2021 (YJC)_ The Taliban's minister of information and culture said the group wanted good interaction and good relations with all countries based on diplomatic principles.
News ID: 52832    Publish Date : 2021/08/20

Friday, 20 August 2021 (YJC)_ A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said she hopes that the new Afghan government would pursue a moderate policy and meet the needs of the Afghan people.
News ID: 52829    Publish Date : 2021/08/20