Tags - science

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Tags - science
Tehran, YJC. Farhadi slammed powerful states for their discriminatory approach to science , stating that Iran is one of the biggest victims of such approach.
News ID: 6417    Publish Date : 2015/02/23

Tehran, YJC. The Iranian science minister has urged expanding collaborations with Iraq in academic fields.
News ID: 6405    Publish Date : 2015/02/22

Tehran, YJC. Political scholar says the bill is in stark contrast to the Oslo Accords.
News ID: 5619    Publish Date : 2014/11/30

Tehran, YJC. The Iranian president has said that his office will respect the parliamentary vote which rejected his nominee for the post of science ministry on Wednesday.
News ID: 5406    Publish Date : 2014/10/30

Tehran, YJC. The Iranian parliament, Majlis, announced on Sunday morning that it has received a letter from President Hassan Rouhani in which he introduces his proposed person to take the office at the Ministry of Science.
News ID: 5368    Publish Date : 2014/10/26

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have created a synthetic molecule that mimics “good” cholesterol and have shown it can reduce plaque buildup in the arteries of animal models. The molecule, taken orally, improved cholesterol in just two weeks.
News ID: 5346    Publish Date : 2014/10/22

Tehran, YJC. Iran and Vietnam signed four cooperation agreements in a move to expand bilateral relations in including economy, science and culture.
News ID: 5298    Publish Date : 2014/10/16

Tehran, YJC. Iran is going to held the 11th International Congress of Epilepsy from 28 to 30 January 2015.
News ID: 5183    Publish Date : 2014/09/29

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Supreme Leader has enumerated the major policies of the country in science and technology.
News ID: 5115    Publish Date : 2014/09/20

Tehran, YJC. Defense minister says Iran is not going to reveal information relating to its scientists working in the military field.
News ID: 4899    Publish Date : 2014/08/24

Tehran, YJC. It has been said that Iran is going to launch an energy-specific science park.
News ID: 4650    Publish Date : 2014/07/17

Tehran, YJC. Supreme Leader says Iran’s science needs a jihadist management to cope with enemies’ schemes.
News ID: 4541    Publish Date : 2014/07/03

Tehran, YJC. Scientists at Royan Institute are conducting research to help fertility for patients under chemotherapy.
News ID: 3515    Publish Date : 2014/02/19

Tehran, YJC. Isfahan University researchers have successfully treated migraine with electric censors.
News ID: 3513    Publish Date : 2014/02/18

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s University of Science and Technology is making a prosthesis that will help SCI patients regain motor skills.
News ID: 3357    Publish Date : 2014/01/30

TEHRAN, YJC. Sepp Blatter has attended the 'Science and Football' international conference in Tehran on Wednesday.
News ID: 2615    Publish Date : 2013/11/07

Tehran, YJC. The elderly has managed to receive his B.Soc.Sci in a course of 11 years.
News ID: 1815    Publish Date : 2013/08/06

Tehran, YJC. Deputy Minister of Science has said that 15,000 experts currently living abroad are identified and provided with special privileges to be easily employed at academic centers inside the country.
News ID: 1514    Publish Date : 2013/07/01

Tehran, YJC. Head of Islamic World Science Citatory Database has said that the number of scientific papers published in Iran in the new Christian year has been 4,450; making Iran the 16th country in the world in scientific development.
News ID: 136    Publish Date : 2013/02/20