Tehran, YJC. Head of Islamic World Science Citatory Database has said that the number of scientific papers published in Iran in the new Christian year has been 4,450; making Iran the 16th country in the world in scientific development.
Dr. Jafar Mehrad said in interview with Mehr News Agency that "Up to February 16, Iran has had 4,450 papers indexed in Scopus which make Iran the 16th country in scientific development.”
Head of Islamic World Science Citatory Database said that in the same period the United States of America has registered 57,033 papers to be the first in ranking.
"China with 42,680; UK with 16,947; Germany with 14,897, and Japan with 11,831 stand next in the chart,” he added.
Mehrdad asserted "Next to Japan India, South Korea, and Taiwan are other Asian countries which have occupied places 7, 12, and 15 with 9,948; 7,187; and 4,581 papers.”
He also said that Turkey has produced 3,664 essays in the period.
"Statistics show that so far Iran is ahead of Turkey with 4,450 papers,” he added.