Tags - weapon

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Tags - weapon
TEHRAN, October 23 - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reiterated that no one can speak against the country’s military power.
News ID: 14547    Publish Date : 2017/10/23

TEHRAN, October 22 - The British government has been accused of using its soldiers to demonstrate and promote weapon sales to Persian Gulf Arab kingdoms amid their continued involvement in the Saudi-led military aggression in Yemen that has left thousands of civilian casualties.
News ID: 14480    Publish Date : 2017/10/22

TEHRAN, July 25, YJC -US President Donald Trump has called The Washington Post a "lobbyist weapon " for Amazon, an American electronic commerce giant which is the largest Internet-based retailer in the world.
News ID: 11386    Publish Date : 2017/07/25

TEHRAN, May 28, YJC -North Korea says it has tested a new anti-aircraft weapon system amid continuing tensions over its military programs.
News ID: 9989    Publish Date : 2017/05/28

TEHRAN, May 10, YJC - Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has expressed great resentment over the US administration’s decision to arm Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fighters battling Takfiri Daesh terrorists in Syria, stressing that every weapon obtained by the forces constitutes a threat to Turkey.
News ID: 9540    Publish Date : 2017/05/10

TEHRAN, YJC. The ground force of the IRGC on Wednesday unveiled part of its new achievements in weapon systems.
News ID: 5348    Publish Date : 2014/10/22

US military aircraft have dropped weapon s, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State (ISIL) militants in the key Syrian town of Kobane.
News ID: 5319    Publish Date : 2014/10/20

Tehran, YJC. Lebanese Defense Minister Samir Moqbel is expected to return home from his trip to Tehran with the military aid Iran promised to donate, Fars News Agency said Saturday.
News ID: 5310    Publish Date : 2014/10/19

Baku, YJC. Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hikmet Hajiyev briefs Iranian reporters in Baku.
News ID: 5301    Publish Date : 2014/10/17

Tehran, YJC. Palestinian leader says weapon s are the thing that the resistance needs.
News ID: 5075    Publish Date : 2014/09/15

Tehran, YJC. Foreign Minister rejects allegations of Iran seeking nuclear weapon s.
News ID: 4613    Publish Date : 2014/07/13

Tehran, YJC. It was 27 years ago when Baath’s most inhumane crime against Iranian civilians took place.
News ID: 4502    Publish Date : 2014/06/29

Tehran, YJC. High-ranking official says Iran’s defense ministry is finding a market in Azerbaijan.
News ID: 3937    Publish Date : 2014/04/16

Tehran, YJC. Foreign Minister says the US has to make a tough decision, namely face the reality.
News ID: 3711    Publish Date : 2014/03/16

Tehran, YJC. The Defense Ministry has surprised the president with a new weapon which looks unfamiliar.
News ID: 3604    Publish Date : 2014/03/02

Tehran, YJC. Senior IRGC commander says Syria is the international front line.
News ID: 3502    Publish Date : 2014/02/17

Tehran, YJC. Shahsafi says Iran’s Air Force has made great achievements.
News ID: 3457    Publish Date : 2014/02/11

Tehran, YJC. Dehqan has said that Iran is a major exporter of arms.
News ID: 3437    Publish Date : 2014/02/09

Tehran, YJC. President Rouhani has stressed Iran’s achievements in the nuclear section.
News ID: 2983    Publish Date : 2013/12/16

Tehran, YJC. Zarif has said that Iran officially informed the US of chemical weapon s being transferred to Syria last fall by takfiris.
News ID: 2039    Publish Date : 2013/09/01