Tehran, YJC. It was 27 years ago when Baath’s most inhumane crime against Iranian civilians took place.

from overcoming Iran in the war fronts, Iraqi Regime imagined that would be
able to impose its demands on Iranian nation through chemical attacks. Hence,
in June 28 and 29, 1987, Iraqi bombers attacked 4 crowded parts of Sardasht
with chemical bombs and engulfed its residents, women and children, young and
old, with fatal chemical gases. Chemical bombardment of Sardasht was the most
awful and disastrous chemical attack during the war which brought many negative
effects and consequences. Islamic Republic of Iran called this attack inhumane
and Sardasht the first victim of chemical weapons in the world after the
nuclear bombardment of Hiroshima. Chemical attack of invader Iraqi bombers on
Sardasht left 110 martyred and 5,000 injured. Unfortunately, many resistant and
noble citizens of Sardasht are still suffering from negative effects and
consequences of this attack. But, despite commitment of this awful crime,
international circles did nothing to halt the continuation of the invasion and
even did not blame the bloodthirsty Iraqi regime for that and instead, ignored
it as before.
city is situated on a mountaintop of pine trees and streams along the Iraqi
border. Here, on a crystal-clear afternoon 27 years ago, Saddam Hussein's
warplanes unleashed a poisonous rain of chemical weapons. It was about 4 p.m.
on June 28, 1987 when Iraqi warplanes began circling the city of Sardasht in
northwestern Iran and dropped bombs containing chemical weapons on four parts
of the city.
The poison gas attack continued on the next day, and the
neighboring villages were also not spared.
The victims gasped and vomited on rusting buses as they were
rushed to hospitals. They dropped dead on the cobbled streets of the town
center. They cried out as their eyes burned and skin bubbled.
At the United Nations, Iran
protested vehemently, to little avail, about the use of the weapons, which were
banned under international treaties. The world's superpowers had little
patience for complaints from the Islamic Republic.
"We should at least
think about [weapons of mass destruction] for our own defense," Hashemi
Rafsanjani, then speaker of Iran's parliament, said two months after the
Iran-Iraq war ended in 1988. "Even if the use of such weapons is inhumane
and illegal, the war has taught us that such laws are just drops of ink on
By: Hossein Amiri
Source: Mehr news