Tehran, YJC. Dehqan has said that Iran is a major exporter of arms.

Defense Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Dehqan speaking in a
meeting in Qom on Saturday evening said "Despite all the restrictions and all
the sanctions, Iranian scientists have managed to turn Iran into one of the few
members of the world’s nuclear club. That is the reason the West is doing what
it can to deprive the country of the power factors, one of which is science and
He added
"As for aerospace, in 2013 the Islamic Republic of Iran gained the highest
momentum among the 5 countries recently entering space. There is hardly any
country which produces the entire chain of its space equipment domestically. The
Islamic Republic of Iran is one of these few countries.”
further asserted "There is no congressional prayer in the country where ‘Down
with USA’ is not shouted out. We say ‘no’ to the domineering powers every day. Let
the US try the military option on Iran and see what will happen to it.”