Thursday, 2 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Palestinian News Agency published statistics on the attacks of the Zionist regime and its settlers in November, and reported the martyr dom of five Palestinians, including two children, this month.
TEHRAN, September 28 - A large crowd of mourners have held another funeral to pay their final respect to Iranian military advisor Mohsen Hojaji, who was martyr ed by Daesh Takfiri terrorists, in his hometown of Najafabad.
Tehran, YJC. Iran held a ceremony in honor of what it dubs “ martyr s of the shrine”, killed in areas under Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) raid.
Tehran, YJC. Mothers of two martyr s killed in their defense against the Iraqi invasion have in a symbolic act held birthday parties for their sons. In Iranian-Shiite teachings martyr s are not dead. Those who have fought for their land or beliefs are alive and live happily with their God.