Tags - national

Young journalists club

Tags - national
Tehran, YJC. Iranian football coach says the team is in a very difficult pot in the upcoming World Cup.
News ID: 2977    Publish Date : 2013/12/16

Tehran, YJC. Futsal player says her team did well against Russia.
News ID: 2744    Publish Date : 2013/11/21

Tehran, YJC. Environmental and trade delegations from the National Assembly of South Korea are to visit Tehran in two weeks.
News ID: 2633    Publish Date : 2013/11/09

Tehran, YJC. Director of the "Ofogh Now" (The New Horizon) conference says it has been canceled because the Foreign Ministry held that it might harm Iran’s negotiations with the Six Powers.
News ID: 2583    Publish Date : 2013/11/04

Tehran, YJC. Hosseini says the Iranian negotiation members do not confirm allegations that Iran has suspended uranium enrichment.
News ID: 2545    Publish Date : 2013/10/31

Tehran, YJC. The Majlis Speaker is to leave Tehran for Beijing on Tuesday morning.
News ID: 2510    Publish Date : 2013/10/28

Tehran, YJC. Boroujerdi says two French senators are to visit the National Security Committee of Iran’s Majlis.
News ID: 2454    Publish Date : 2013/10/23

Tehran, YJC. The Foreign Minister has said that the Iranian team in their visit to New York have neutralized plans to isolate and intensify sanctions on Iran.
News ID: 2331    Publish Date : 2013/10/07

Tehran, YJC. Oil Minister has said that he is waiting for the offers of the board of directors and the National Gas Company on the new CEO.
News ID: 2062    Publish Date : 2013/09/05

Tehran, YJC. Kosari says that the nuclear case cannot be exhausted within the performances of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
News ID: 1982    Publish Date : 2013/08/26

Tehran, YJC. Naqavi Hosseini says that the US does not like the nuclear talks to produce a clear outcome.
News ID: 1967    Publish Date : 2013/08/25

Tehran, YJC. The National Press Museum of Iran has been inaugurated with the Minister of Culture.
News ID: 1743    Publish Date : 2013/07/25

TEHRAN, YJC. Thousands of fans gathered in Azadi Stadium to welcome the Iranian national football team for their victory over S. Korea and reaching 2014 World Cup finals.
News ID: 1429    Publish Date : 2013/06/20