Tehran, YJC. Director of the "Ofogh Now" (The New Horizon) conference says it has been canceled because the Foreign Ministry held that it might harm Iran’s negotiations with the Six Powers.

News Agency reports that Nader Talebzadeh providing comments on his meeting
with the Majlis Committee of National Security and Foreign Policy on Sunday said
"In that meeting we wanted to introduce the New Horizon conference. The conference
could give us an opportunity to consult people with whom we are in agreement in
anti-Zionist terms and the criticism of the US.”
also wanted to say in this conference that withdrawing your complaint against
companies which propagate Irano-phobia is not a good thing to do,” Talebzadeh
filmmaker added that the members of the Security Council had not have enough
knowledge about the conference and maintained that the conference had been
intended to be an occasion when "American intellectuals and enlightened ones”
would sit side by side with Iranian thinkers.
He further
stated that the outcome of his meeting with the National Security members will
not be clear unless more sessions are held, adding "We will have more sessions.
All in all the attending members were positive about what I said and I think
that those who stopped the New Horizon festival did not understand the
real matter and the goal of the conference.”
He further
stated that no reason had been given for the cancelation of the conference.
"Maybe one reason is objections to some of the
guests. We had invited 70 people who were to speak in our defense and in
objection to the US,” Talebzadeh pointed out.
He added
"The decision not to hold the conference was made by the Foreign Ministry.
Iranian Diplomacy published an article about the festival on its website where
it related the issue to the Holocaust. That is where the idea sprang up that
the conference moves in that direction. But the Foreign Ministry has to know
that we also understand national interests and that the festival will expose
the negotiations to no harm.”