Negotiation team does not confirm suspension: National Security

Young journalists club

News ID: 2545
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:29 - 31 October 2013
Tehran, YJC. Hosseini says the Iranian negotiation members do not confirm allegations that Iran has suspended uranium enrichment.

Naqavi Hosseini says that the Iranian nuclear negotiation team does not approve of allegations about Iran’s suspension of uranium enrichment.

The Spokesman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis in interview with Mehr News Agency said "What Messrs. Araqchi and Takhteravanchi said in the National Security Committee was that we have enacted the NAM red lines, those being the right to use the nuclear energy inside the country and the enrichment of uranium as much as needed, and that these red lines are non-negotiable.”

He added "It is to regret that some media, domestic and foreign, have published news on the issue, which the negotiation team has not confirmed.”

Naqavi further explained "What Mr. Rasaei mentioned in the open session was not the statements of the negotiation team in the National Security session, but the demands of the West from the negotiation team.”

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