Tags - saudi

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Tags - saudi
Tehran, YJC. MP says Iran has received messages from Saudi Arabia that boost the hope of better relations.
News ID: 4996    Publish Date : 2014/09/06

Tehran, YJC. Former FM spokesman says the ISIS is the outcome of a joint work by the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
News ID: 4635    Publish Date : 2014/07/16

Tehran, YJC. Naqdi says the US is trying to ‘loot’ Iranian assets.
News ID: 4602    Publish Date : 2014/07/12

Tehran, YJC. Reza Akhlaghi says recent ISIS movements in Iraq are supported by Saudi Arabia as a way for the country to loosen Iran's grip over the region.
News ID: 4426    Publish Date : 2014/06/17

Tehran, YJC. Former Iranian ambassador to the UN says Saudi Arabia has never had relations with Iran based on respect.
News ID: 4393    Publish Date : 2014/06/14

Tehran, YJC. Former Lebanese Interior Minister says things are looking bright for Iran and Saudi Arabia to improve their relations.
News ID: 4183    Publish Date : 2014/05/18

Tehran, YJC. Hashemi says Iran and Saudi Arabia are the two decisive players to resolve Islamic sectarian conflicts.
News ID: 4151    Publish Date : 2014/05/12

Tehran, YJC. Clergy says disturbances in the Islamic world are not rooted in religious convictions.
News ID: 4110    Publish Date : 2014/05/07

Tehran, YJC. President says Saudi Arabia has rather to consider regional issues if it seeks improving relations with Iran.
News ID: 4065    Publish Date : 2014/04/30

Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says the dismissal of Bin Sultan indicates that Saudi Arabia’s regional policy has failed.
News ID: 3963    Publish Date : 2014/04/20

Tehran, YJC. Syria has once again complained to the United Nations about Saudi Arabia’s role in supporting foreign-backed militants operating against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
News ID: 3763    Publish Date : 2014/03/23

Tehran, YJC. President says that Saudi Arabia and the UAE contributed to the war imposed on Iran through Iraq.
News ID: 3660    Publish Date : 2014/03/10

Tehran, YJC. Although Iran’s oil company has said it will prioritize joint fields, things are not going on as fast as they should.
News ID: 3585    Publish Date : 2014/02/27

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Ambassador to the UN has said terrorist groups are the major hindrance to the peace process in Syria.
News ID: 3582    Publish Date : 2014/02/26

Tehran, YJC. Senior IRGC commander says Syria is the international front line.
News ID: 3502    Publish Date : 2014/02/17

Tehran, YJC. Boroujerdi says Saudi Arabia is responsible for the crimes of Takfiri groups.
News ID: 3293    Publish Date : 2014/01/25

Tehran, YJC. Head of Majlis National Security says the House of Saud needs to stop supporting terrorism.
News ID: 3223    Publish Date : 2014/01/15

Tehran, YJC. Sidon prayer leader says the Takfiri have left a bad impression of Islam.
News ID: 3211    Publish Date : 2014/01/14

Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says the Majlis is considering filing a suit against Saudi Arabian terrorists if Iran’s FM does not.
News ID: 3208    Publish Date : 2014/01/14

Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says Saudi Arabia will finally face the consequence of its support for terrorism.
News ID: 3168    Publish Date : 2014/01/08