Tehran, YJC. Although Iran’s oil company has said it will prioritize joint fields, things are not going on as fast as they should.
say that Iran’s development operations on oil fields the country shares with
Saudi Arabia have stopped.
activity at three of the fields, Farzad, Esfandia, and Arash, is frozen. The Naitonal
Oil Company has explained the reasons for doing so.
affairs of the entire joint fields of the country are determined with the
exception of Farzad-b and Esfainyar, said Roknoddin Javadi, CEO of Iran’s
National Oil Company.
also stated that the two mentioned fields are being discussed with
fully expand the Esfanyar oil field 5 to 7 hundred dollars is needed. Should that
be3 done, the field will produce 12 thousand barrels of oil per day.
contract was signed to develop the Farzad-b as soon as possible last year, the
process is not very slow, so much so that the drilling operations and
construction of maritime structures have completely stopped.
Arash gas field holds more than 1 trillion m3 natural gas and 310 million
barrels oil. It is situated to the north-west of the Persian Gulf and is shared
by Iran, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
two neighbor countries signed a consortium last year to tap into the field
whereas Iran has not yet found the monetary sources to fund a project to do the