Tehran receives positive sights to expand relations with Riyadh

Young journalists club

News ID: 4996
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 13:18 - 06 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. MP says Iran has received messages from Saudi Arabia that boost the hope of better relations.

MP Ahmad Shohani in interview with ICANA said "Since 6 months ago, Riyadh has started changing its strategy in foreign policy and its relations with the Islamic Republic.”

The dismissal of one such as Bandar bin Sultan and his friends was a positive action toward the neutralization of relations with Iran. It also showed that Riyadh is willing to fight the Takfiri fighters, he said.

Shohade added "Tehran has received the heartening messages for establishing friendly relations with Saudi Arabia.”

The Majlis has no problem with expanding relations, but Saudi Arabia has to gain the trust of Iranians, he noted.

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