Tags - palestine

Young journalists club

Tags - palestine
Monday, 6 December 2021 (YJC)_ A Palestinian youth was hit by a car by an Israeli security force in the West Bank and shot himself.
News ID: 54895    Publish Date : 2021/12/06

Monday, 6 December 2021 (YJC)_ A Hamas spokesman said that the Zionist march and the holding of Zionist flags could not change the Arab-Palestinian identity of the land and the authenticity of its real inhabitants.
News ID: 54894    Publish Date : 2021/12/06

Sunday, 5 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) welcomed the decision of the Kuwaiti authorities to ban the passage of merchant ships carrying Israeli goods through the territorial waters of the country.
News ID: 54883    Publish Date : 2021/12/05

Sunday, 5 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Palestinian Authority's State Department condemned the Israeli attack on the martyrdom of a young Palestinian man in Jerusalem yesterday and called on the Hague tribunal to investigate the crime committed by the Zionist military in the field execution of Palestinian citizens.
News ID: 54881    Publish Date : 2021/12/05

Saturday, 4 December 2021 (YJC)_ The head of Hamas' political bureau stressed at the "Jerusalem Pioneers" conference that the issue of captives and the armed struggle for the liberation of Palestine are paramount.
News ID: 54873    Publish Date : 2021/12/04

Saturday, 4 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Palestinian Red Crescent announced on Friday night that 200 Palestinians had been injured in protests against Israeli settlements in the North West Bank.
News ID: 54866    Publish Date : 2021/12/04

Friday, 3 December 2021 (YJC)_ Two young Palestinians attacked a Zionist militant in a car in the city of Umm al-Fahm this morning.
News ID: 54856    Publish Date : 2021/12/03

Thursday, 2 December 2021 (YJC)_ The head of the media office of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement stressed that the only way to confront the occupying Zionist regime is through resistance.
News ID: 54841    Publish Date : 2021/12/02

Thursday, 2 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Palestinian News Agency published statistics on the attacks of the Zionist regime and its settlers in November, and reported the martyrdom of five Palestinians, including two children, this month.
News ID: 54838    Publish Date : 2021/12/02

Thursday, 2 December 2021 (YJC)_ Hamas praised the Kuala Lumpur authorities' opposition to issuing visas to Zionist athletes, while calling the cancellation of hosting the World Squash Tournament in Malaysia a sign of support for Zionist criminals.
News ID: 54836    Publish Date : 2021/12/02

Wednesday, 1 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Zionist regime released the oldest captive Palestinian woman from Bethlehem in the West Bank.
News ID: 54820    Publish Date : 2021/12/01

Tuesday, 30 November 2021 (YJC)_ Morocco, which last week hosted the Israeli Minister of War, suppressed popular demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
News ID: 54805    Publish Date : 2021/11/30

Tuesday, 30 November 2021 (YJC)_ Sending a message on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the Syrian Foreign Minister said that the country's position on supporting the Palestinian cause and the formation of a Palestinian state has not changed.
News ID: 54799    Publish Date : 2021/11/30

Monday, 29 November 2021 (YJC)_ A member of the Hamas political bureau stressed the opposition to the British action against the movement and called it "terrorist".
News ID: 54785    Publish Date : 2021/11/29

Sunday, 28 November 2021 (YJC)_ Hezbollah's deputy said that the issue of liberating Palestine was only a matter of time. Palestine is the center. If it calms down and is liberated, the whole region will be liberated.
News ID: 54767    Publish Date : 2021/11/28

Sunday, 28 November 2021 (YJC)_ The World Union of Muslim Scholars issued a statement declaring the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime as haram, stating that this act is a betrayal of the rights of the Palestinian people.
News ID: 54761    Publish Date : 2021/11/28

Saturday, 27 November 2021 (YJC)_ The Palestine Liberation Organization condemned the military agreement between Morocco and the Zionist regime, saying it would harm Arab ethnic security.
News ID: 54749    Publish Date : 2021/11/27

Friday, 26 November 2021 (YJC)_ One of the leaders of the Hamas movement said that there is no future for the Zionist Jews in Palestine and that the people of this country will expel them.
News ID: 54726    Publish Date : 2021/11/26

Thursday, 25 November 2021 (YJC)_ The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, while emphasizing that Iran's defense of the Palestinian cause and its enmity with the Zionist regime will never change, said that the oppressed nation of Yemen is also a defender of Palestine and the resistance.
News ID: 54711    Publish Date : 2021/11/25

Tuesday, 23 November 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman reacted to the removal of the Iranian Foreign Minister's post by Instagram.
News ID: 54683    Publish Date : 2021/11/23