Tags - iraq

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Tags - iraq
The jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, facing a rebel backlash in Syria and challenging the government in Iraq, has vowed to continue the fight on two fronts.
News ID: 3166    Publish Date : 2014/01/08

Tehran, YJC. Hejazi says Iran will welcome requests of military assistance from Iraq. 
News ID: 3141    Publish Date : 2014/01/06

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu discussed bilateral relations and regional issues including Syria and Iraq with his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif late Jan. 4 in Istanbul.
News ID: 3137    Publish Date : 2014/01/05

The Iraqi army shelled Falluja on Saturday in an effort to clear out al Qaeda-linked fighters amid dueling claims by the terror group and government forces about just who was in control of the flashpoint city in the Anbar province.
News ID: 3131    Publish Date : 2014/01/05

The images of recent days have an eerie familiarity, as if the horrors of the past decade were being played back: masked gunmen recapturing the Iraqi cities of Falluja and Ramadi, where so many American soldiers died fighting them. Car bombs exploding amid the elegance of downtown Beirut. The charnel house of Syria’s worsening civil war.
News ID: 3130    Publish Date : 2014/01/05

Syrian rebels in opposition-held areas engaged in fierce battles with Al-Qaeda-linked elements Friday in what activists say is growing resistance to the jihadists' brutal grip in many places.
News ID: 3118    Publish Date : 2014/01/04

Tehran, YJC. In a phone call to the Iranian parliamentary speaker, Nujaifi requested cooperation in meeting the problems of Al Anbar Governorate.
News ID: 3109    Publish Date : 2014/01/01

TEHRAN, YJC. Around 400 Syrian families have settled in a refugee camp in Kurdistan, Iraq.
News ID: 3107    Publish Date : 2014/01/01

Two years after US troops departed, Iraqi security forces are struggling to curb violence that has reached a level not seen since 2008, near the height of America's military presence.
News ID: 2991    Publish Date : 2013/12/17

Tehran, YJC. Jafari says Iran’s biggest achievement is security come by resistance.
News ID: 2943    Publish Date : 2013/12/11

Kurdish regional administration PM Nechirvan Barzani said the energy deals they signed with Turkey are the start of a new Iraq and there is no need for fear.
News ID: 2860    Publish Date : 2013/12/02

Tehran, YJC. Zarif and Davutoglu have taken part in a joint press conference in Tehran.
News ID: 2822    Publish Date : 2013/11/28

Tehran, YJC. The Political Consultant to the Leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq says after dimming relations between Iraq and Turkey, Iranian companies have found better footage.
News ID: 2817    Publish Date : 2013/11/27

The United States vowed Wednesday to help Iraq combat terror groups as mounting attacks claimed more lives ahead of talks between Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President Barack Obama.
News ID: 2542    Publish Date : 2013/10/31

Kurdish fighters in Syria seized a crossing on the eastern border with Iraq from jihadist rebel forces during fierce clashes at dawn on Saturday, a monitoring group said.
News ID: 2476    Publish Date : 2013/10/26

A suicide bomber detonated an explosives-rigged vehicle in a village in northern Iraq on Thursday, killing 15 people, police and a doctor said.
News ID: 2415    Publish Date : 2013/10/17

The Kurdish people have a right to self-determination and statehood, but this will not be accomplished through violence, Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani said.
News ID: 2388    Publish Date : 2013/10/13

Tehran, YJC. Shamkhani says that a new wave of terrorism threatens international security.
News ID: 2345    Publish Date : 2013/10/08

Al-Qaeda in Syria is fighting to drive rivals out of areas bordering Turkey and Iraq in a bid to control territory stretching from Iraq into northern Syria, various sources say.
News ID: 2313    Publish Date : 2013/10/05

Tehran, YJC. The new Oil Ministry has made its first contract with Iraq in technical education and supervision.
News ID: 2269    Publish Date : 2013/09/30