Our missiles must reach Israel: IRGC Commander

Young journalists club

News ID: 2943
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:47 - 11 December 2013
Tehran, YJC. Jafari says Iran’s biggest achievement is security come by resistance.

Speaking in a meeting with students in Tehran, the IRGC Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari said "Resistance and endurance has made Iran an entirely safe country in terms of security, which is our biggest achievement.”

Brigadier General Jafari said "The defense sample we presented at the 33-day and 8-day wars of Gaza showed off over the Israeli Army which was armed to the teeth.”

Answering the question whether the nuclear talks will cut the edge of Western pressure against Iran, he said "It would be wishful thinking to think so. We got a number of issues with the enemy. The Islamic Revolution opposes the monopoly system to the core. Only if the US changes nature and they become human, only in that case will we cease to be at war with them.”

"At the recent negotiations we gave maximally and received minimally. But what is important is the future and not surpassing the red lines. As far as it can be seen, so far no red line is trespassed,” Jafari stated.

Asked about his prediction of the final outcome of the nuclear talks, the general said "There are no more than two ways. Either the talks lead somewhere and the nuclear sanctions are gradually reduced, or, if they decide to get more advantage, the result would be to return to the previous phase. There is no third way, so one has to wait and anxiously follow the case.”

He pointed out that the nuclear sanctions might reduce gradually and that he believes that the other sanctions will not be lifted.

Asked if the IRGC would consider reducing the range of its missiles if such a demand were made at the nuclear talks, Jafari said "We are trying to increase the range of our missiles. If the Leader would permit it, we have the ability. We lost Tehrani Moghaddam on that. Our missiles have to reach Israel.”

Asked if Iran has the power to prevent a hypothetical nuclear attack by the West, he said "No, an atomic attack cannot be defended. But they cannot do such a damn thing, because Iran is highly capable to fight back. They are so afraid of our deterrence; and talking of the military option is no more than a ridiculous kidding.”

In answer to the question how much the IRGC is involved in the Syrian crisis, the IRGC Commander asserted "We do all we can to save Syria and we do so with pride. Syria is at the front line of the Islamic Republic. We have the organized military force dispatch in Syria, which means experts and experience for trainings carried out in Syria. We do so with pride because we help an official, legal establishment and we do so for the request from the Syrian government. The countries which equip the terrorists and the opposition have to be worried why they do so.”

He further pointed to other achievements of the Islamic Revolution in political terms and stated that the Iraqi government is one example in case, adding "A Shiite government parallel to Iran came to power in Iraq whereas the US was seeking an American government. They tried also to invest in Syria in order to make a place there for themselves but Syria lives in a good state and it is growing better and better. Of course parts of the country are still held by the opposition but the ongoing process is in their detriment and in the favor of the existing Syrian establishment.”

"There is nothing to worry about. The enemies have also made the progress out and are gradually leaving their positions. Since they do not desire to turn back at once they are doing it gradually,” he stated.

"If today, the enemy…strikes us with thousands of bombs via a large number of sorties, [only] 10 to 20 percent of the IRGC’s missile capability might be destroyed. Furthermore, the IRGC’s military might is not limited to its missile power, but it is a strategic power for the [Islamic] Establishment,” the general said on Tuesday. 

Jafari’s remarks come against the backdrop of controversial remarks attributed to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif that the United States can render the entire defense system of Iran ineffective with a single bomb. 

The general said Zarif’s remarks are "incorrect” because the foreign minister "lacks military experience and expertise.” 

"We consider him a seasoned and experienced diplomat, but he has no experience in military affairs and this is why he has made this remark,” Jafari said.

He noted that the IRGC’s missiles have Israel within reach, adding, "We can still upgrade the range of [our] missiles, but for the time being, on the order of Leader [of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei], we have limited the range of our missiles to 2,000 kilometers.”

On Sunday, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said Iran’s military experts have enhanced the precision of domestically-designed and manufactured long-range and ballistic missiles to the level that the projectiles can strike targets with pinpoint accuracy. 

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and has attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems. 

Tehran has repeatedly assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to other countries since the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is based entirely on deterrence. 

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