Tags - pakistan

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Tags - pakistan
TEHRAN, May 28 - Jafaria Students Organisation (JSO) hosted an Iftar party in honour of MMA students wing.
News ID: 23472    Publish Date : 2018/05/28

TEHRAN, May 27 -Pakistan has slated July 25 as the date for general elections that is likely to result in a change of government.
News ID: 23429    Publish Date : 2018/05/27

TEHRAN, May 25 - Pakistan's upper house of parliament has passed a bill giving equal rights to 5 million people in the restive northwestern tribal region. It's a key step in bringing the tribes into the country's mainstream life.
News ID: 23352    Publish Date : 2018/05/25

TEHRAN, May 23 - Cross-border firing and shelling between Indian and Pakistani forces along their Kashmir border have claimed the lives of five civilians on the sixth day of clashes.
News ID: 23294    Publish Date : 2018/05/23

TEHRAN, May 14 - Pakistan's National Security Committee has rejected recent remarks by former premier Nawaz Sharif regarding the 2008 Mumbai attacks, according to a statement issued by the prime minister's office.
News ID: 22915    Publish Date : 2018/05/14

TEHRAN, May 10 -Pakistani police have detained the father and brother of an Italian woman of Pakistani descent who was strangled in a suspected “honor killing” case.
News ID: 22754    Publish Date : 2018/05/10

TEHRAN, May 7 - Pakistan's Interior Minister was recovering in hospital Monday after being shot in a suspected assassination attempt possibly linked to blasphemy, with the attack seen as an ominous sign for security ahead of nationwide elections.
News ID: 22582    Publish Date : 2018/05/07

TEHRAN, April 30 - Pakistan’s environmental protection agency is installing air quality monitors and warning factories to add pollution filters after a panel of the country’s top judges ordered the government to detail its efforts to control worsening air pollution.
News ID: 22317    Publish Date : 2018/04/30

TEHRAN, April 28 -Pakistan’s disenfranchised Ahmadi community released an annual report on Saturday that detailed growing hostilities against the minority sect, including indiscriminate arrests and impediments blocking them from voting in general elections.
News ID: 22240    Publish Date : 2018/04/28

TEHRAN, April 27 - Secretaries of national security councils of Iran, Russia and Pakistan agreed to hold a security conference to be attended by other regional countries’ officials.
News ID: 22193    Publish Date : 2018/04/27

TEHRAN, April 26 - A Pakistani court Thursday disqualified the country's foreign minister from holding office after a petition from a rival politician sought his removal for concealing assets abroad.
News ID: 22180    Publish Date : 2018/04/26

TEHRAN, April 26 - Secretary of Iranian Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said Iran and Pakistan have important responsibilities about future of Islamic Ummah.
News ID: 22162    Publish Date : 2018/04/26

TEHRAN, April 24 - Pakistan's military said suicide bombers blew themselves up near a police vehicle and a security checkpoint in separate incidents in the southwestern city of Quetta, killing five police and wounding eight paramilitary troops.
News ID: 22082    Publish Date : 2018/04/24

TEHRAN, April 24 - The Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy Ali Fadavi expressed hope that Iran and Pakistan would hold joint dill this year.
News ID: 22071    Publish Date : 2018/04/24

TEHRAN, April 22 - Two people from the ethnic Hazara community were shot dead in a sectarian attack in southwestern Pakistan on Sunday, where targeted killings of minorities have continued despite improvements in overall security.
News ID: 21990    Publish Date : 2018/04/22

TEHRAN, April 13 -Pakistan’s Supreme Court disqualified deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif from holding office for life on Friday, television news channels reported.
News ID: 21660    Publish Date : 2018/04/13

TEHRAN, April 12 - US President Donald Trump administration is warning Pakistan it could lose U.S. civilian aid worth tens of millions of dollars this year if Washington finds that the South Asian nation has not done enough to combat human trafficking, U.S. officials said.
News ID: 21632    Publish Date : 2018/04/12

TEHRAN, April 10 - Pakistani Ambassador to Iran Asif Ali Khan Durrani lauded Tehran-Islamabad ‘unique cooperation’ in regional and international issues.
News ID: 21541    Publish Date : 2018/04/10

TEHRAN, April 07 - There have been large-scale protests in Pakistan to condemn the killing of a number of civilians by Indian forces in the disputed Kashmir region. Press TV's Javed Rana has more from the Pakistani capital.
News ID: 21404    Publish Date : 2018/04/07

TEHRAN, April 07 -India’s central bank barred banks on Friday from having any links to virtual currency dealers, slashing the prices of bitcoin and other crypto-currencies on local exchanges.
News ID: 21385    Publish Date : 2018/04/07