Tags - pakistan

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Tags - pakistan
TEHRAN, February 20-Pakistan’s Senate has blasted the government for the secrecy surrounding Islamabad’s recent decision to deploy troops to Saudi Arabia, describing explanations by the Pakistani defense minister given to Senate representatives as insufficient and a “lollipop to a child.”
News ID: 19610    Publish Date : 2018/02/20

TEHRAN, February 17 - Pakistani lawmakers have blasted a recent government decision to deploy troops to Saudi Arabia, saying the move may violate a parliamentary resolution that urges neutrality in the war on Yemen.
News ID: 19464    Publish Date : 2018/02/17

TEHRAN, February 16 - Pakistan's military says it is sending troops to assist Saudi Arabia on a training mission but that they will not be deployed in conflict zones outside the kingdom.
News ID: 19427    Publish Date : 2018/02/16

TEHRAN, February 16 -The Pakistani army says it has targeted and destroyed an Indian military post in the disputed region of Kashmir, killing five soldiers stationed there in retaliation against alleged Indian sniper fire that killed a civilian.
News ID: 19407    Publish Date : 2018/02/16

TEHRAN, February 13 - Iran’s Consul General in Quetta, Pakistan says that Iran and Pakistan aim to increase bilateral trade from current volume $1.5 to $5 billion.
News ID: 19261    Publish Date : 2018/02/13

TEHRAN, February 12- Pakistan warned India against cross-border strikes in the disputed region of Kashmir after Indian authorities blamed a Pakistan-based group for an attack on an army camp in which soldiers and their families were targeted.
News ID: 19232    Publish Date : 2018/02/12

TEHRAN, February 3 - Pakistani and Afghan officials have met for a second round of talks about allegations leveled against Islamabad in the wake of recent deadly militant attacks in Kabul that have killed over 200 people.
News ID: 18776    Publish Date : 2018/02/03

TEHRAN, February 3 - Pakistan's army said a suicide attack on a military unit has killed three soldiers and wounded seven in Swat Valley, in the Kabal area.
News ID: 18775    Publish Date : 2018/02/03

TEHRAN, January 30 - Iran’s Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh said Pakistan is not cooperating on the construction of a much-delayed pipeline to pump natural gas to the country.
News ID: 18603    Publish Date : 2018/01/30

TEHRAN, January 24 - Pakistan has condemned a US drone strike on its territory adding to the rising tensions between Washington and Islamabad.
News ID: 18326    Publish Date : 2018/01/24

TEHRAN, January 17 - Iran and Pakistan stressed boosting bilateral scientific interactions, as Pakistan called for establishing Science Park in the country using Iranian know-how.
News ID: 18041    Publish Date : 2018/01/17

TEHRAN, January 16 -More than 1,800 Pakistani Muslim clerics have issued an Islamic directive, or fatwa, forbidding suicide bombings, a book due to be unveiled by the government on Tuesday says.
News ID: 17973    Publish Date : 2018/01/16

TEHRAN, January 12 -A surprise New Year’s Day tweet by President Donald Trump in which he appeared to decree an end to U.S. aid for Pakistan, sent U.S. officials scrambling to suspend security assistance without even knowing how much aid they were freezing, four U.S. officials said.
News ID: 17821    Publish Date : 2018/01/12

TEHRAN, January 9 - At least seven people, including five police officers, have been killed and nearly two dozen others wounded in a bomb blast that struck a police vehicle in southwestern Pakistan.
News ID: 17738    Publish Date : 2018/01/09

TEHRAN, January 9 - A Pakistani court has ordered the release of an anti-US cleric amid growing tensions between Islamabad and Washington over the so-called war on terror and a range of other issues.
News ID: 17733    Publish Date : 2018/01/09

TEHRAN, January 8 - A Pakistani official said 147 Indians detained for fishing illegally have been released from prison and handed over to Indian authorities.
News ID: 17686    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

TEHRAN, January 6 - With the US suspending at least $900 million in security assistance to Islamabad, the central bank of Pakistan (SBP) says the Chinese yuan can now be used for bilateral trade and investment activities.
News ID: 17599    Publish Date : 2018/01/06

TEHRAN, January 5 - The United States says it is suspending national security assistance to Pakistan, claiming Islamabad is not acting seriously enough against militants.
News ID: 17556    Publish Date : 2018/01/05

TEHRAN, January 4 - Pakistan’s central bank has announced that it will be officially replacing the US dollar with the Chinese yuan in trade with Beijing, shortly after Washington accused Islamabad of harboring terrorists.
News ID: 17547    Publish Date : 2018/01/04

TEHRAN, January 3 -The United States accused Pakistan on Tuesday of playing a “double game” on fighting terrorism and warned Islamabad it would have to do more if it wanted to maintain U.S. aid.
News ID: 17491    Publish Date : 2018/01/03