578.135 MT of commodities worth over $305.4 million were traded in Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) mid January with their trading value rose by 20 percent.
552,209 MT of commodities worth over $256 million were traded in the Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) mid January, the volume and value of trading experienced a growth of 50.28% and 13.33%, respectively.
CEO of Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) Hamed Soltaninejad on the Fourth International Conference on Iranian Iron Ore said that Iron’s ore will be offered on domestic trading floor of the IME within "Decade of Fajr" (January 31- February 10).
745,255 MT of commodities worth over $288 million were traded in the Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) late December, the volume and volume of trading experienced a growth of %95.3 and %43.9, respectively.
In Accordance with directives of Market Surveillance Commission, Iranian Mercantile Exchange (IME) initiated trade of wheat on its export ring on Wednesday, December 8.
TEHRAN, YJC. -- Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) inaugurated its Tabriz branch trading floor to fund and cover up the region industry risk with the region’s high ranking officials attending the ceremony on Wednesday.
Tehran, YJC. -- Reaching to the mid-Jan 431,149 MT of various types of commodities were traded in IME with the total value of 183 million USD in the spot market of IME while agri products trading floor have experienced the biggest growth.
Tehran, YJC.-- In the first week of new A.D year 518,257MT of products with the total value of 256.7 million USD were traded in the spot market of IME.
By the end of another trading week in IME, total trade volume in spot market of IME reached to 353Kt with the total value of 213.5 million USD and the lion share for the trade volume and value goes for copper products respectively 412 and 76 percent.
Tehran, YJC. -- The 2nd international forum of CIS commodity exchanges of CIS region and Eastern Europe in the form of union which is known as Interexchange Electronic Union (IEU) will be held on 15 and 16 of Nov 2014 in Tehran with the hostage of Iran Mercantile Exchange.
Tehran, YJC. -- During last week ending to 18 Sep 2014, 414Kt of products were traded with the total value of 306 million USD in the spot market of IME which has experienced growth of 21 and 12 percent respectively in volume and value.