Tags - halqi

Young journalists club

Tags - halqi
Tehran, YJC. Syrian President Bashar Assad in a letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani chas alled for the expansion of mutual cooperation between his country and Iran.
News ID: 5767    Publish Date : 2014/12/17

Tehran, YJC. Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri strongly condemned recent Israeli airstrikes on Syria on Tuesday.
News ID: 5759    Publish Date : 2014/12/16

Tehran, YJC. On Tuesday Prime Minister of Syria Wael Nader Al-Halqi was officially welcomed by First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri at Sa’dabad Cultural Complex in Tehran.
News ID: 5758    Publish Date : 2014/12/16

Tehran, YJC. Syrian Prime Minister Wael Nader al-Halqi greeted to Tehran.
News ID: 2838    Publish Date : 2013/12/01

Tehran, YJC. The Syrian Prime Minister who has visited Iran for attending the Rouhani inauguration says that he has a letter from Bashar Assad to the Supreme Leader of Iran.
News ID: 1813    Publish Date : 2013/08/04