Jahangiri: Anti-Syria terrorists supported by Tel Aviv

Young journalists club

News ID: 5759
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 19:43 - 16 December 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri strongly condemned recent Israeli airstrikes on Syria on Tuesday.

He asserted the terrorists that fight the Damascus government enjoy Tel Aviv’s support.

"If there were any doubt before these airstrikes that the terrorist groups had entered Syria following the Zionist regime’s meddling and provocations, now there is no doubt in this regard anymore,” Jahangiri said in a meeting with Syrian Prime Minister Wael Nader al-Halqi.

He reiterated that Syria enjoys an outstanding status in the Muslim World, and is also the point of resistance. "But the enemies, in particular the Zionist regime with the support of some regional countries, have devised plots in the past years to harm Syria’s position.”

"Iran and Syria suffer common threats and they have to safeguard their relations,” he added.

The Syrian prime minister, in turn, said that the main purpose of his visit to Tehran was to strengthen cooperation between the 2 countries in different areas.

"We are aiming to boost cooperation in economic spheres and implement the joint projects between the two countries,” he noted.

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