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Tags - people
TEHRAN, Jan 17 - Some 2,000 Rohingya Muslims, who had fled to India from death and violence in Myanmar, have reportedly left the South Asian country too, fearing continued harassment there and possible deportation.
News ID: 34238    Publish Date : 2019/01/18

TEHRAN, Jan 16 -Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has condemned as a "political game" the US arrest and imprisonment of Press TV anchorwoman Marzieh Hashemi, urging American authorities to release her right away.
News ID: 34201    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

TEHRAN, Jan 16 -A court in the United Kingdom has jailed a homeless man because he had thrown away poppies used to remember wars Britain has contributed to.
News ID: 34200    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

TEHRAN, Jan 16 -Britain’s opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has bashed Prime Minister Theresa May for her handling of the process to leave the European Union, saying her “zombie government” must leave office immediately.
News ID: 34199    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

TEHRAN, Jan 16 -Social media users and Press TV viewers have voiced their frustration with the detention and ill-treatment of an anchor for Iran’s English-language Press TV by federal agents in the United States, saying the arrest mocks the US claims of democracy and respect for human rights.
News ID: 34198    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

TEHRAN, Jan 16 -The chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has vowed to protect Iranian military advisors in Syria, dismissing as "ridiculous and funny" Israeli threats to attack them.
News ID: 34197    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

TEHRAN, Jan 16 -The United Nations Security Council has unanimously approved the deployment of dozens of observers to the strategic Yemeni port city of Hudaydah for six months to monitor a truce reached during the latest round of UN-sponsored peace negotiations in Sweden last month.
News ID: 34196    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

TEHRAN, Jan 16 -US President Donald Trump is signaling that the government shutdown in the wake of the standoff over his border wall funding is an issue of the 2020 presidential election.
News ID: 34195    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -The Boko Haram Takfiri militants have attacked a military base and set fire to shelters for those displaced by the conflict in northeastern Nigeria, leaving seven people dead.
News ID: 34148    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic's ties with Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region are rooted in history and will outlast the administration of US President Donald Trump.
News ID: 34147    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -A series of austerity measures imposed by the British government have left police in London with a significant decrease in the number of officers investigating homicides.
News ID: 34146    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -The British police are preparing for huge Brexit protests in London as thousand are expected to join the rallies that come concurrent with a vote in parliament on the government’s European Union withdrawal agreement.
News ID: 34145    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -An explosion and gunfire have been reported in the Kenyan capital, leaving at least seven people dead, with al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militants claiming responsibility for the attack.
News ID: 34144    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -Iran’s Foreign Ministry has called in Dutch Ambassador to Tehran Jacques Werner to express the country’s protest over a recent attack by “some anti-revolutionary and separatist elements” on the Islamic Republic’ embassy in The Hague.
News ID: 34143    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem says the Damascus government is prepared to cooperate with the United Nations’ new envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, to facilitate inter-Syrian peace talks aimed at finding a political settlement to the ongoing foreign-sponsored crisis in the country.
News ID: 34142    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -US President Donald Trump has reiterated his demand for border wall funding as the partial government shutdown enters its 25th day.
News ID: 34141    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 - Hundreds of flights were cancelled at eight German airports Tuesday, including at the nation's busiest travel hub Frankfurt, as security staff walked off the job in a deepening row over pay.
News ID: 34140    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -Germany’s foreign minister says that the European Union could begin new talks on Britain’s withdrawal from the bloc if a current divorce deal is rejected in the British parliament.
News ID: 34139    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 15 -Former US secretary of state and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has once again accused President Donald Trump of being a "puppet" for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
News ID: 34138    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, Jan 14 -The Syrian president and a senior Iranian lawmaker have expressed the two countries' firm determination to continue developing decades-long strategic relations in order to serve the two nations' interests in various fields.
News ID: 34095    Publish Date : 2019/01/15