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Tags - people
TEHRAN, Jan 21 -The Taliban have held talks with US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad in Qatar hours after militants from the group killed scores of Afghan security forces in central Maidan Wardak province.
News ID: 34381    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 -The British government and the European Union have imposed sanctions against senior officials from Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency, over the agency’s suspected poisoning attack on a former Russian spy in southern England last year.
News ID: 34380    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 -Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the detention of Press TV news anchor Marzieh Hashemi by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that the United States is still violating the rights of black people .
News ID: 34379    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 -Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the country will never allow the implementation of a militant-free safe zone in Syria to be turned into "a swamp" like the one in northern Iraq, where US-backed Kurdish militants launch attacks on Turkish soil.
News ID: 34378    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 -A governmental hospital in the British capital reportedly halted cancer treatment for a refugee and left him sleeping rough on the streets.
News ID: 34377    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 -The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says more than 250 Palestinians have been killed and over 23,000 injured by Israeli forces since the Great March of Return rallies began along the border between the besieged Gaza Strip and the Israeli-occupied territories on March 30, 2018.
News ID: 34376    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 -Russia has rejected a US demand for Moscow to destroy a new cruise missile system, a weapon Washington alleges is in violation of a landmark Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
News ID: 34375    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 -Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Abdolnaser Hemmati says Japan has restarted importing crude oil from Iran, with Fuji Oil loading the first such cargo since the United States granted Tokyo waiver over renewed sanctions on the Islamic Republic's energy sector.
News ID: 34374    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 21 - Syrian air defenses intercepted and destroyed most of the Israeli guided missiles fired from ground and air in several rounds over capital city of Damascus before they hit targets.
News ID: 34349    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 20 -A national general strike is the fastest way to end the ongoing government shutdown in the United States, an American political analyst says, as an impasse between Democrats and President Donald Trump over his border wall is about to enter the fifth week.
News ID: 34348    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 20 - Iran has hosted an international conference on the anti-Israeli resistance of the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip.
News ID: 34347    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 20 - Sudanese security forces have fired tear gas canisters at hundreds of anti-government demonstrators to break up their rally, as protest against the country’s President Omar al-Bashir enters its second month.
News ID: 34346    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 20 - A British mother has been deliberately committing crimes throughout the past years to be able to go to prison and escape homelessness.
News ID: 34345    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 20 - President Ashraf Ghani has formally registered as a candidate for Afghanistan's delayed presidential election, which is scheduled to be held on July 20.
News ID: 34344    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 20 - The US military has been caught using Russian-styled air defense systems during major military exercises in the southern state of Mississippi, as the Pentagon shifts focus from operations in the Middle East to confronting Russia and China in the Pacific.
News ID: 34342    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

TEHRAN, Jan 18 -The oldest member of UK royal family, Prince Philip, 97, has resumed driving just two days after he caused controversy for a crash that apparently came due to his reckless driving.
News ID: 34312    Publish Date : 2019/01/20

TEHRAN, Jan 18 -More than a hundred asylum seekers headed to Europe are feared dead after their vessel sank off the coast of Libya.
News ID: 34311    Publish Date : 2019/01/20

TEHRAN, Jan 18 - Hundreds of “Yellow Vest” demonstrators have convened in the French capital, Paris, and several other cities for the tenth consecutive weekend of anti-government protests despite a national debate launched this week by President Emmanuel Macron aimed at relieving the discontent.
News ID: 34309    Publish Date : 2019/01/19

TEHRAN, Jan 18 - The Syrian government has called on the United Nations Security Council to put an end to airstrikes being carried out by the US-led coalition purportedly fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, saying the aerial assaults are targeting civilian and critical infrastructure in the Arab country.
News ID: 34308    Publish Date : 2019/01/19

TEHRAN, Jan 18 -A UK football club has offered accommodation to homeless people as freezing temperatures threaten thousands of rough-sleepers across Britain.
News ID: 34307    Publish Date : 2019/01/19