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Tags - people
TEHRAN, Apr 24 -The Lebanese intelligence agency has warned that people affiliated to Israel’s Mossad spy agency and in close collaboration with the Tel Aviv regime’s authorities could infiltrate into the Arab country arranging tourism trips.
News ID: 38408    Publish Date : 2019/04/24

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - A separatist group seeking disintegration of Northern Ireland from Britain has claimed responsibility for an attack in the region on Thursday that killed a young journalist.
News ID: 38356    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - African leaders at an emergency summit in Cairo have called on Sudan's military rulers to effectively and peacefully carry out a democratic transition within three months.
News ID: 38355    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - Dozens of Palestinian demonstrators have called on the United Nations to put an end to the Tel Aviv regime’s tight blockade on the Gaza Strip, which has been in place against the impoverished coastal enclave for more than a decade.
News ID: 38353    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - Members of the British parliament and rights activists have criticized a government invitation for US President Donald Trump to visit the UK in the near future, saying Trump’s controversial views and record in office meant he should not be welcomed in the UK.
News ID: 38351    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry says it has executed 37 people in a single day “in connection with terrorism crimes,” as a crackdown led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman against pro-democracy campaigners, human rights activists and intellectuals widens in the kingdom.
News ID: 38348    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - France reports progress in efforts towards the implementation of a direct payment mechanism, which the European country has launched alongside Britain and Germany to safeguard trade with Iran in the face of US sanctions.
News ID: 38346    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - The Syrian government has agreed to a request by the Qatari civil aviation authority to allow planes of Qatar Airways to fly over Syria, eight years after the Persian Gulf's peninsular state suspended its ties with Damascus.
News ID: 38345    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 22 - At least eight people have been killed when a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck the Philippines' main island of Luzon as officials fear dozens could be trapped in the rubble of a collapsed commercial building.
News ID: 38295    Publish Date : 2019/04/22

TEHRAN, Apr 22 - Iraq's anti-corruption body has accused officials in the northern province of Nineveh of embezzling more than $60 million in public funds, saying the crime was committed after the governor was sacked last month.
News ID: 38285    Publish Date : 2019/04/22

TEHRAN, Apr 22 - A British man struggling with serious illnesses which had made him even unable to stand on his feet has died not long after he was denied of the help he was entitled to receive under a government welfare system.
News ID: 38293    Publish Date : 2019/04/22

TEHRAN, Apr 22 - A US decision to end sanctions waivers for Iran oil imports will expose the true face of President Donald Trump’s administration, says an analyst, adding that it will turn the world against Washington.
News ID: 38292    Publish Date : 2019/04/22

TEHRAN, Apr 22 - Footage filmed in the Sudan capital Khartoum on Saturday, April 21, shows artists painting graffiti on a wall near the army's headquarters following the toppling of the country's leader, Omar al-Bashir.
News ID: 38290    Publish Date : 2019/04/22

TEHRAN, Apr 22 -A significant majority of young people in the United States are concerned about the country’s moral direction under US President Donald Trump, according to new survey.
News ID: 38289    Publish Date : 2019/04/22

TEHRAN, Apr 22 -Iran says it considers no value and credit for US sanctions waivers, which allow importers to continue buying Iranian oil, but is in touch with European partners and neighbors to counter any adverse consequences of sanctions.
News ID: 38286    Publish Date : 2019/04/22

TEHRAN, Apr 21 - Sudan’s military ruler General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan says the transitional military council he heads is committed to transferring power to a civilian body, as a deadline set by protesters for the formation of a civilian council arrives.
News ID: 38230    Publish Date : 2019/04/21

TEHRAN, Apr 21 - A highly-placed member of the Taliban militant group says the next round of negotiations between the outfit and the United States will focus on the timetable for the pullout of all foreign troops from Afghanistan.
News ID: 38229    Publish Date : 2019/04/21

TEHRAN, Apr 21 - Police in a northern English city have opened an investigation into repeated Islamophobic attacks on a major mosque in the past few days.
News ID: 38227    Publish Date : 2019/04/21

TEHRAN, Apr 21 - A mysterious but apparently serious incident occurred Saturday in Cape Canaveral, Florida involving the SpaceX capsule intended to carry American astronauts into space late this year, the private company and NASA announced.
News ID: 38226    Publish Date : 2019/04/21

TEHRAN, Apr 21 - Several Saudi-sponsored militiamen loyal to Yemen's former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, have been killed and dozens of others sustained injuries when Yemeni army forces fired a domestically-manufactured ballistic missile at their camp in the country’s southwestern province of Dhale.
News ID: 38225    Publish Date : 2019/04/21