African leaders at emergency Cairo summit urge peaceful Sudan transition

Young journalists club

News ID: 38355
Publish Date: 22:29 - 23 April 2019
TEHRAN, Apr 23 - African leaders at an emergency summit in Cairo have called on Sudan's military rulers to effectively and peacefully carry out a democratic transition within three months.

African leaders at emergency Cairo summit urge peaceful Sudan transitionTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The Egyptian presidency said in a statement issued on Tuesday that representatives from African countries gave the Sudanese authorities and political actors three months "to implement peaceful... and democratic transition measures."

They also urged the African Union to extend its 15-day deadline for Sudan's Transitional Military Council (TMC) to hand over power to a civilian authority or face suspension from the regional bloc.

Speaking at the end of the summit, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who holds the rotating presidency of the African Union, said there was consensus work had to be done for Sudan to "quickly restore the constitutional system through a political democratic process led and managed by the Sudanese themselves."

Sisi told the meeting that AU Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat had briefed the meeting on his recent talks in Khartoum.

"We agreed on the need to give more time to Sudanese authorities and Sudanese parties to implement these measures," Sisi said.

The TMC took over after toppling President Omar al-Bashir on April 11.

Protest leaders have vowed to continue organizing sit-ins and other rallies as part of a widening campaign to confront the junta and push for the transfer of power to a civilian council.

The protests in Sudan broke out on December 19, 2018, in the face of a government decision to triple the price of bread. The demonstrations quickly turned into a mass movement across the country against the ruling regime, and finally led to Bashir’s ouster.

Bashir, 75, who ruled over 30 years, had taken power in a coup in 1989.

Source: Press TV

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