Tags - brexit

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Tags - brexit
TEHRAN, Feb 27 - French President Emmanuel Macron says Britain needs a good reason to seek a delay of its scheduled March 29 departure from the European Union.
News ID: 36004    Publish Date : 2019/02/27

TEHRAN, Feb 26 - British Prime Minister Theresa May could bring a Brexit deal to a vote in parliament as early as next week, her de-facto deputy said on Tuesday.
News ID: 35947    Publish Date : 2019/02/26

TEHRAN, Feb 25 - Prime Minister Theresa May faces a growing threat that she will be forced to delay Brexit, a move that risks a showdown with eurosceptics in her Conservative Party just weeks before Britain is due to leave the European Union.
News ID: 35917    Publish Date : 2019/02/25

A political analyst from London believes that lawmakers in the British parliament are beginning to loosen their positions on what course the country’s imminent withdrawal from the European Union should take.
News ID: 35900    Publish Date : 2019/02/24

TEHRAN, Feb 24 - British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to hold Brexit talks with European Council President Donald Tusk ahead of a potentially pivotal week for her plans to lead her country out of the European Union.
News ID: 35894    Publish Date : 2019/02/24

TEHRAN, Feb 23 - Three members of Prime Minister Theresa May's cabinet warned Saturday that Brexit must be delayed if she cannot persuade the British parliament to back her EU divorce deal next week.
News ID: 35822    Publish Date : 2019/02/23

TEHRAN, Feb 23 - Amber Rudd, David Gauke and Greg Clark will reportedly vote to extend Article 50 in defiance of UK PM Theresa May if her deal doesn’t get enough votes on Wednesday.
News ID: 35794    Publish Date : 2019/02/23

TEHRAN, Feb 20 - British Prime Minister Theresa May said Honda’s announcement that it would close its factory in England in 2021 was deeply disappointing, but could not be blamed on the country’s upcoming departure from the European Union.
News ID: 35693    Publish Date : 2019/02/20

TEHRAN, Feb 20 - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she was saddened by the decision of three of her lawmakers to quit the Conservative Party over her Brexit policy, but said she was doing the right thing for the country.
News ID: 35692    Publish Date : 2019/02/20

TEHRAN, Feb 20 - Britain's foreign secretary said that securing an orderly Brexit is "of paramount importance" as he visited Germany on Wednesday, and insisted the UK can leave the European Union on March 29 as planned if a compromise deal is found.
News ID: 35682    Publish Date : 2019/02/20

TEHRAN, Feb 19 - British Prime Minister Theresa May will meet with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker late Wednesday for a latest attempt to find a breakthrough in the stalled Brexit negotiations.
News ID: 35642    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

TEHRAN, Feb 19 - Britain faces the “catastrophic prospect” of a no-deal Brexit next month due to the selfishness of some politicians and chaotic parliamentary proceedings, the head of the country’s main manufacturing association said on Tuesday.
News ID: 35618    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

TEHRAN, Feb 19 -Ireland has expressed frustration over Britain's continued failure to strike a deal on an orderly withdrawal from the European Union, denouncing as a "crazy outcome" a no-deal Brexit after three years of negotiations between the UK and the bloc.
News ID: 35611    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

TEHRAN, Feb 18 -Seven members of Britain’s opposition Labour party leave its ranks, citing, what they call, the party’s refusal to effectively confront the Conservative government of Prime Minister Theresa May’s push to break the country away from the European Union and its “failure” to root out “anti-Semitism.”
News ID: 35587    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 18 - Europe’s financial markets regulator has granted approval to UK-based derivatives clearing houses to continue serving EU clients if there’s a no-deal Brexit, a major boost to London’s battle to remain the central market for euro clearing.
News ID: 35565    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - British campaigners and Members of Parliament opposed to the country's imminent withdrawal from the European Union, which many believe would take place in a disorderly manner, are planning a huge march and a possible referendum to stop the divorce days before the official deadline at the end of March.
News ID: 35550    Publish Date : 2019/02/17

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - With just 40 days until the UK is due to leave the European Union, businesses are testing their emergency Brexit preparations to ensure they have enough cash and staff in the event of a disorderly exit, KPMG said.
News ID: 35521    Publish Date : 2019/02/17

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -A senior economist at the Bank of England (BoE) says Britain has lost £40 billion a year since Britons voted to leave the European Union in a June 2016 EU referendum.
News ID: 35500    Publish Date : 2019/02/16

TEHRAN, Feb 14 - The government of British Prime Minister Theresa May has yet to roll over more than £100 billion in existing foreign trade deals less than two month before the March 29 deadline for leaving the European Union (EU).
News ID: 35421    Publish Date : 2019/02/14

TEHRAN, Feb 13 - Switzerland will introduce a quota system allowing Britons to come and work in the country in the event Britain crashes out of the European Union without an exit deal.
News ID: 35388    Publish Date : 2019/02/13