Tags - palestine

Young journalists club

Tags - palestine
Tehran, YJC. Speaking on the International Mosques Day, President Hassan Rouhani stressed support for Palestine.
News ID: 4961    Publish Date : 2014/09/01

Tehran, YJC. Jafari has reassured Palestinians that Iran will support their resistance.
News ID: 4940    Publish Date : 2014/08/30

Tehran, YJC. Second in command of the IRGC says Iran will support Palestine in all terms.
News ID: 4803    Publish Date : 2014/08/10

Tehran, YJC. Rouhani says UN Security Council inertia regarding Gaza makes Israel more wanton.
News ID: 4778    Publish Date : 2014/08/05

Tehran, YJC. -- Full text of the declaration of the NAM Committee on Palestine the Ministerial level, held in Tehran on 4 August 2014:
News ID: 4777    Publish Date : 2014/08/05

Tehran, YJC. IRGC commander has said that Iran supports the Palestinian resistance.
News ID: 4774    Publish Date : 2014/08/04

Tehran, YJC. Iranian official says the ‘great victory’ of the resistance of Gaza has to be celebrated.
News ID: 4772    Publish Date : 2014/08/04

TEHRAN, YJC. Mental exercise is not something imaginary for the Palestinian people of Gaza, rather, it is their daily living hell.
News ID: 4768    Publish Date : 2014/08/04

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s President is going to attend the Palestine Committee of the Non-Aligned Movement’s meeting in Tehran.
News ID: 4767    Publish Date : 2014/08/04

Tehran, YJC. Tehran Friday preacher addressed the issue of Gaza under Israeli attacks.
News ID: 4747    Publish Date : 2014/08/01

Tehran, YJC. Soleimani has said that Iran is behind the Palestinian resistance against Israel.
News ID: 4739    Publish Date : 2014/07/30

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Foreign Ministry is going to hold a NAM meeting on Palestine.
News ID: 4731    Publish Date : 2014/07/28

GAZA/JERUSALEM, July 28 (Xinhua) -- A Palestinian was killed and 10 others injured on Sunday after Israeli war jets resumed airstrikes on Gaza, where a UN-proposed humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas collapsed.
News ID: 4734    Publish Date : 2014/07/28

Tehran, YJC. Nouri Hamedani has requested Muslim nations to avoid products made by Israel.
News ID: 4720    Publish Date : 2014/07/26

Tehran, YJC. Lionel Messi’s support for Israel during the head of the country’s brutal attacks on Gaza has cause a lot of controversy in social media.
News ID: 4713    Publish Date : 2014/07/25

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s ambassador to Baku has asked for countries around the world to restrict their relations with Israel.
News ID: 4712    Publish Date : 2014/07/25

Tehran, YJC. Friday preacher says Gaza is still in Palestinian hands only because of support from Iran.
News ID: 4711    Publish Date : 2014/07/25

Tehran, YJC. Second in Command of the IRGC has made novel remarks about the recent Israeli attack on Gaza.
News ID: 4710    Publish Date : 2014/07/25

Tehran, YJC. -- Iranians across the country, from different walks of life held massive rallies all over the country on the last Friday of Ramadan to mark the International Quds Day in a show of support for the oppressed nation of Palestine and also people in Gaza.
News ID: 4709    Publish Date : 2014/07/25

Tehran, YJC. In a letter to the al-Qassam commander, former of The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Mohsen Rezaei has said Iran will provide them with weapons no matter what happens.
News ID: 4705    Publish Date : 2014/07/25