Islam grows more isolated in certain places where they kill people and destroy mosques; where they kill children and detain women in the name of jihad, said Rouhani.
These fools are helping schemes to spread Islamophobia, the President stated. "If there is no resistance, the trespassers will not have mercy on anything.”
The duty of the clergy is more serious today. We are living in a country which is the harbinger of search for Islam and justice, he said, addressing the clergy as the propelling power in mosques.
In a world that used to show Muslims as people spreading terror and violence, we are introducing a plan to fight violence which is to get passed by the UN General Assembly in a few months.
Rouhani also pointed to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and said "That place is the holy land. The Islamic world, and the clergy at the center, will not allow Muslim’s first Qibla to remain under the siege of usurpers.”
The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran will, as always, use its full power to save the Al-Aqsa Mosque and free the first Qibla of Muslims. It will not withhold any aid to the oppressed people of Palestine. We are sure that the final victory will be the Muslims’, he stated.