Tags - palestine

Young journalists club

Tags - palestine
TEHRAN, May 16, YJC - Seventy-six Palestinian hunger strikers have been hospitalized for a critical deterioration of their health conditions, as a mass hunger strike by Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails has entered its 30th day.
News ID: 9682    Publish Date : 2017/05/16

TEHRAN, May 16, YJC -Britain's opposition Labour Party has announced in its General Election manifesto that a Labour government will “immediately recognize” a state of Palestine if the party wins the June 8 vote.
News ID: 9679    Publish Date : 2017/05/16

People have held demonstrations in several parts of the world ahead of the 69th anniversary of the Nakba Day in solidarity with Palestinians who are enduring years of Israeli oppression and occupation.
News ID: 9610    Publish Date : 2017/05/14

TEHRAN, May 11, YJC - Hunger striking Palestinian prisoners have written to Pope Francis, urging the pontiff to immediately take a stance against the Israeli regime with regard to the ordeals of Palestinian inmates.
News ID: 9556    Publish Date : 2017/05/11

TEHRAN, May 8, YJC - Relatives of a Palestinian family, who perished in a 2015 arson attack by Israeli settlers in a village in the occupied West Bank, have filed a lawsuit against the Israeli regime for damages.
News ID: 9490    Publish Date : 2017/05/08

TEHRAN, May 4, YJC - Several thousands of Palestinians have taken to the streets in the West Bank city of Ramallah to express their solidarity with the large number of Palestinian inmates who are on hunger strike in Israeli prisons.
News ID: 9399    Publish Date : 2017/05/04

TEHRAN, April 23, YJC - Masked Israeli settlers have attacked a group of Palestinian shepherds and activists in the Jordan valley.
News ID: 9128    Publish Date : 2017/04/23

TEHRAN, April 10, YJC - Israeli forces have arrested 509 Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem al-Quds in the last month alone.
News ID: 8807    Publish Date : 2017/04/10

TEHRAN, April 5, YJC - On Monday, Human Rights Watch issued a damning report, accusing Israel of barring its investigators from entering the Gaza Strip except for once last year. The report has further angered the Palestinians that are urging the international community to intervene. They say the regime must be pressured into allowing international experts to probe the rights violations in the Palestinian territory.
News ID: 8702    Publish Date : 2017/04/05

TEHRAN, March 31, YJC -Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres is disappointed and alarmed by Israel's approval of the construction of its first completely new settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory of West Bank in 25 years.
News ID: 8566    Publish Date : 2017/03/31

TEHRAN, March 31, YJC - Israel’s so-called security cabinet has unanimously voted in favor of construction of the regime’s first new settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories in 25 years, drawing strong condemnation from Palestinians.
News ID: 8550    Publish Date : 2017/03/31

TEHRAN, March 30, YJC - The Arab League (AL) has called for the formation of a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital, emphasizing the need for the resumption of stalled Israeli-Palestinian talks to that effect.
News ID: 8528    Publish Date : 2017/03/30

Israel is using simulated villages to train its forces to destroy Palestinian homes and deal with ensuing protests, says a report.
News ID: 8164    Publish Date : 2017/03/08

A world-renowned anonymous graffiti artist has surprised Palestinians by opening a 10-room “Walled Off Hotel” in the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem, drawing attention to the bitter realities of life within the illegal “apartheid wall.”
News ID: 8078    Publish Date : 2017/03/04

A Rabbi who believes Israel must dismantle said: "Our hearts cry for the people of Palestine. We pray to God for peace so we can tell the Palestinians one day, take back your lands.We appreciated Ayatollah Khamenei separation between Zionism and Jews."
News ID: 7988    Publish Date : 2017/02/28

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has warned all foreign countries against relocating their respective embassies in Israel from Tel Aviv to East Jerusalem al-Quds, which the Palestinians want as the capital of their future state.
News ID: 7973    Publish Date : 2017/02/27

Human Rights Watch (HRW), which has written several critical reports about Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands, said the regime in Tel Aviv is set to stop issuing work visas to its staff.
News ID: 7901    Publish Date : 2017/02/24

Amnesty International has accused Israel of the unlawful killing of Palestinians, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture and other human rights violations.
News ID: 7876    Publish Date : 2017/02/23

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned against Israel’s bids to find allies among Arab countries of the region.
News ID: 7871    Publish Date : 2017/02/23

A Jewish Israeli Rabbi Dovid Weiss slammed Zionist regime’s crimes and occupations, saying Israeli Zionist state disturbs peace and stability in the world.
News ID: 7869    Publish Date : 2017/02/22