Tags - mars

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Tags - mars
TEHRAN, July 31 - Mars reached its closest approach to Earth on Tuesday with a distance of 57.6 million kilometers, according to NASA.
News ID: 26781    Publish Date : 2018/07/31

TEHRAN, June 29 - A variety of geological patterns on Mars suggests the Red Planet once hosted water. Several of these patterns recall the fluvial steam networks found on Earth.
News ID: 25145    Publish Date : 2018/06/29

TEHRAN, May 12 - NASA said on Friday it will send a small helicopter to Mars as part of the U.S. space agency’s 2020 mission to place a next-generation rover on the Martian surface, marking the first time such an aircraft will be used on another world.
News ID: 22826    Publish Date : 2018/05/12

TEHRAN, April 22 - Cooling the surrounding environment of astronauts has been turned into a major concern due to NASA’s serious planning to send astronauts to the Mars.
News ID: 21974    Publish Date : 2018/04/22

TEHRAN, February 3 - It has now been just more than 2,000 days since NASA’s Curiosity rover landed on the surface of Mars.
News ID: 18772    Publish Date : 2018/02/03

TEHRAN, November 13 -Previously, scientists didn’t know if micro-organisms could withstand the extreme conditions of Mars, but new research into those biological limitations could help establish the boundaries (or lack thereof) of wider human space exploration.
News ID: 15723    Publish Date : 2017/11/13

TEHRAN, April 7, YJC - Scientists are searching for clues of life in the Chilean desert of Ata-cama in a place that very much resembles the planet Mars.
News ID: 8739    Publish Date : 2017/04/07

NASA Scientists have determined that a massive ice reservoir on Mars could be used as a basis for the “Mars Ice Home” currently in development.
News ID: 6786    Publish Date : 2016/12/23