Thursday, 30 July 2020_NASA's next-generation Mars rover Perseverance blasted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral on Thursday atop an Atlas 5 rocket on a $2.4 billion mission to search for traces of potential past life on Earth's planetary neighbor.
TEHRAN, Dec 5_NASA’s Curiosity rover has snapped images of clouds rolling through the Martian sky, looking remarkably similar to what you might see on Earth. And 373 miles away, the Insight lander captured its own cloud-gazing adventures.
TEHRAN, Sept 02 -NASA engineers have installed the miniature helicopter on the space agency's Mars 2020 rover. The Mars Helicopter, nicknamed Scout, will be the first aircraft to fly on another planet.
TEHRAN, Jul 29 - While neither NASA nor the European Space Agency has yet to give formal approval, or funding, for missions to return samples from Mars, both agencies are taking steps to refine plans for what those missions will be.
TEHRAN, Jul 15 - Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins is glad to hear more talk about missions to Mars as Saturday's 50th anniversary of the first moonwalk fires up public interest in space.
TEHRAN, Jul 8 -China has made clear its ambitions in space with the announcement that it has completed construction of its first Mars rover, with a mission pencilled in for launch sometime in 2020.
TEHRAN, Jun 18 -New research suggests the wispy clouds found 18 miles above the Marian surface are made of icy dust produced by meteors hitting the Red Planet's atmosphere.
TEHRAN, Jun 1-Scientists sent NASA's Curiosity rover looking for clay, and according to the latest mission update, the spacecraft obliged. It turns out, the target region known as the "clay-bearing unit" boasts a whole lot of clay.
TEHRAN, May 15 - One has a thick poisonous atmosphere, one has hardly any atmosphere at all, and one is just right for life to flourish – but it wasn’t always that way. The atmospheres of our two neighbours Venus and Mars can teach us a lot about the past and future scenarios for our own planet.
TEHRAN, April1-The mystery of methane on Mars may finally be solved as scientists have confirmed the presence of the life-indicating gas on the Red Planet as well as where it might have come from.
TEHRAN, Feb 17 -"Whatever loss we feel now must be tempered with the knowledge that the legacy of Opportunity continues," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate.
TEHRAN, December 08 -NASA's newest Mars lander InSight is slowly readying itself for its scientific mission. The newest images captured by the lander's camera, and shared by NASA, showcase the spacecraft's robotic arm.