Tags - scientists

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Tags - scientists
TEHRAN, July 13, YJC - A group of researchers have claimed that a recently unearthed, humanoid-shaped mummy is the latest evidence of alien life on Earth. The self-proclaimed paranormal researchers attended a press conference in Peru to argue their case. They presented a slide show of X-rays, depicting the mummified object. The alleged discovery involves a three-fingered 'mummified humanoid' with an elongated skull. It was unearthed in a cave in Peru, which dates back to more than 17 hundred years ago. Not everyone is convinced of the finding, however, with some suggesting that it can be a plaster cast.
News ID: 11107    Publish Date : 2017/07/13

TEHRAN, July 4, YJC - A group of Iranian scientists along with their colleagues at York University in Canada have now shown that beta blockers reverse a number of potentially detrimental genetic changes associated with heart disease.
News ID: 10890    Publish Date : 2017/07/04

TEHRAN, April 7, YJC - Scientists are searching for clues of life in the Chilean desert of Ata-cama in a place that very much resembles the planet Mars.
News ID: 8739    Publish Date : 2017/04/07

Iranian researchers at Amir-Kabir Poly Technique University have developed a system capable of registering human muscle activities, with array of electrodes.
News ID: 8065    Publish Date : 2017/03/03

Thomson Reuters in its 2016 report of highly cited scientists named six Iranian scholars among the most effective figures in progress of science and research.
News ID: 7206    Publish Date : 2017/01/11

A team of scientists in Dublin has found that a particular region of the brain reacts differently to stimuli in those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
News ID: 7075    Publish Date : 2017/01/05

An Iranian scientist Amir Arbabi along with his colleagues at Caltech and Samsung recently successfully created a flat lens that can be stacked on top of a digital sensor to create a tiny camera combo.
News ID: 7072    Publish Date : 2017/01/05

A new study suggests that it is possible to identify society's next generation of criminals before they have even left kindergarten.
News ID: 6730    Publish Date : 2016/12/19