Tags - scientists

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Tags - scientists
TEHRAN, Jun 12 -The tracking strategy utilized by hawks could be used to capture rogue drones, according to a new study.
News ID: 40624    Publish Date : 2019/06/12

TEHRAN, Jun 9 -Scientists have figured out why earthquakes along mid-ocean ridges occur during low tides.
News ID: 40558    Publish Date : 2019/06/09

TEHRAN, Jun 5 - Hungary's government is moving to tighten its grip on the research institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, despite protests by scientists against political control of the academy.
News ID: 40401    Publish Date : 2019/06/05

TEHRAN, Jun 5 -A study reveals new understanding of why and how birds flock, based on the mechanics of four shorebirds of varying sizes.
News ID: 40377    Publish Date : 2019/06/05

TEHRAN, Jun 5 -A seven-year survey of Patagonia's ice suggests the slabs of ice that stretch across vast portions of Argentina and Chile are thicker than scientists thought, measuring more than a mile in thickness in some places.
News ID: 40376    Publish Date : 2019/06/05

TEHRAN, Jun 3 - Scientists in Britain have used gene-editing techniques to stop bird flu spreading in chicken cells grown in a lab - a key step towards making genetically-altered chickens that could halt a human flu pandemic.
News ID: 40308    Publish Date : 2019/06/03

TEHRAN, May 29 -The authors of a new study argue an ancient supernova triggered a series of events that ended with early humans walking upright.
News ID: 40044    Publish Date : 2019/05/29

TEHRAN, May 29 - Scientists have found a new way that future Mars explorers could potentially generate their own oxygen.
News ID: 40023    Publish Date : 2019/05/29

TEHRAN, May 22 -Iran’s minister of science, research, and technology says the United States has set a trap for Iranian scientists , enabling their entry into the country before arresting them.
News ID: 39707    Publish Date : 2019/05/22

TEHRAN, May 08 - Scientists have found a highly-mobile gene that helps superbugs resist colistin, one of the most effective last-resort antibiotics.
News ID: 39025    Publish Date : 2019/05/08

TEHRAN, May 07 -In a research letter this week, researchers say a better understanding of how planets work could help them determine if an exoplanet is capable of supporting life.
News ID: 38952    Publish Date : 2019/05/07

TEHRAN, May 06 -Relentless pursuit of economic growth, twinned with the impact of climate change, has put an "unprecedented" one million species at risk of extinction, scientists say in a landmark report on the damage done by modern civilization to the natural world.
News ID: 38921    Publish Date : 2019/05/06

TEHRAN, May 01 -Researchers originally designed the ROZE instrument to detect hydroxyl, which rids the atmosphere of methane. But tests showed the instrument was surprisingly good at measuring ambient levels of ozone -- better than the best available commercial ozone detectors.
News ID: 38712    Publish Date : 2019/05/01

TEHRAN, Apr 27 - In states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, hydraulic fracturing wells are more common than wastewater injections.
News ID: 38510    Publish Date : 2019/04/27

TEHRAN, Apr 10 - A team of international palaeontologists led by the Oxford University Museum of Natural History have discovered the extremely well-preserved remains of an ancient relative of the marine invertebrates known as sea cucumbers.
News ID: 37713    Publish Date : 2019/04/10

TEHRAN, Apr 09 - Massive, ravenous, powerful beyond measure. Physicists are convinced that black holes exist, even if no one has directly observed one. But that's about to change.
News ID: 37667    Publish Date : 2019/04/09

TEHRAN, Apr 08 -If you've ever been suddenly and unexpectedly reminded of a past trauma, you may wonder if those old fears will ever stop haunting you.
News ID: 37575    Publish Date : 2019/04/08

TEHRAN, Apr 02 - Scientists have warned that food crisis will affect tens of millions of people across the globe as war, extreme weather and economic woes put more than 113 million in dire need of help last year.
News ID: 37337    Publish Date : 2019/04/02

TEHRAN, April1-The mystery of methane on Mars may finally be solved as scientists have confirmed the presence of the life-indicating gas on the Red Planet as well as where it might have come from.
News ID: 37301    Publish Date : 2019/04/01

TEHRAN, Mar 17 - "Our algorithm could be updated and used to test programs written for quantum computers and eliminate noise and errors," researcher Andrey Lebedev said.
News ID: 36909    Publish Date : 2019/03/17