Tags - senate

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Tags - senate
Tehran 11 January_US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said that she is planning to send the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump over to the Senate next week.
News ID: 44794    Publish Date : 2020/01/11

TEHRAN, Jun 29 -Republican senators have blocked a largely Democratic-led amendment that aimed to restrict President Donald Trump’s authority to militarily strike Iran without first obtaining congressional approval.
News ID: 41305    Publish Date : 2019/06/29

TEHRAN, Jun 21 - Republican lawmakers in the US senate have joined the chorus of Democrats urging the administration of President Donald Trump to hold back on war with Iran, reminding the American head of state that the US Constitution would not allow him to unilaterally declare war against the Islamic Republic.
News ID: 40955    Publish Date : 2019/06/21

TEHRAN, Jun 10 - US senators are pushing hard against a raft of planned arms sales to Saudi Arabia after President Donald Trump said he was circumventing Congress to push them through.
News ID: 40580    Publish Date : 2019/06/10

TEHRAN, Apr 02 -Australia’s Senate has censured a far-right lawmaker over his controversial comments that the recent bloody terrorist attack against two mosques in New Zealand were the outcome of letting Muslims into the country.
News ID: 37343    Publish Date : 2019/04/03

TEHRAN, Mar 14 - In a fresh rebuke, the Republican-controlled US Senate has passed a proposal to terminate President Donald Trump’s declaration of an emergency at the southern border.
News ID: 36815    Publish Date : 2019/03/15

TEHRAN, Mar 14 - The Senate has voted to end US support for the Saudi Arabian-led coalition’s war in Yemen, bringing Congress one step closer to an unprecedented rebuke of Donald Trump’s foreign policy.
News ID: 36783    Publish Date : 2019/03/14

TEHRAN, December 25 -Top US Democratic leaders have blasted President Donald Trump for plunging the country into chaos after shutting down parts of the government during Christmas time.
News ID: 33325    Publish Date : 2018/12/25

TEHRAN, December 23 - After a raucous session, the Italian Senate has approved a national budget law that was tweaked in a bid to satisfy European Union concerns.
News ID: 33210    Publish Date : 2018/12/23

TEHRAN, December 20 -The US Senate has approved legislation to temporarily fund the government and avert a partial federal shutdown after President Donald Trump backed off his demand for money for a border wall with Mexico.
News ID: 33084    Publish Date : 2018/12/20

TEHRAN, December 12 -US President Donald Trump has reiterated that he stands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman despite a CIA assessment that he personally ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and pressure from fellow Republicans in Congress to rebuke the kingdom’s de facto ruler.
News ID: 32732    Publish Date : 2018/12/12

TEHRAN, November 29 -The Republican-controlled US Senate is defying President Donald Trump’s pro-Saudi policies by advancing a bipartisan bid to end the country’s support for the war on Yemen amid tensions over Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.
News ID: 32139    Publish Date : 2018/11/29

TEHRAN, October 27 -A crowded U.S. Senate race in Republican stronghold Mississippi could set the stage for weeks of uncertainty over which party ends up controlling the upper chamber of Congress after the Nov. 6 elections.
News ID: 30676    Publish Date : 2018/10/27

TEHRAN, October 07 - Some members of the Democratic Party in the US Congress are drawing up plans to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was recently appointed to the nation's top court despite facing multiple allegations of sexual assault.
News ID: 29886    Publish Date : 2018/10/07

TEHRAN, October 04 -The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved a five-year re-authorization of the Federal Aviation Administration bill, which will now head to President Donald Trump's desk.
News ID: 29688    Publish Date : 2018/10/04

TEHRAN, September 23 - The US Republican Party is set to lose its majority in both chambers of Congress to Democrats in the upcoming midterm congressional elections, a new poll shows.
News ID: 29178    Publish Date : 2018/09/23

TEHRAN, June 19 - The US Senate has almost unanimously approved a massive $716 billion military spending bill for the upcoming financial year, supporting President Donald Trump’s calls for expanding the country’s war machine.
News ID: 24610    Publish Date : 2018/06/19

TEHRAN, June 05 - US Democrats have warned President Donald Trump that they will block any deal with North Korea that does not guarantee a “verifiable” dismantlement of the country’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.
News ID: 23861    Publish Date : 2018/06/05

TEHRAN, May 10 - US Republican Senator John McCain has advised his colleagues in the Senate against confirming Gina Haspel, President Donald Trump’s nominee for CIA director who is accused of involvement in the agency’s torture program.
News ID: 22743    Publish Date : 2018/05/10

TEHRAN, April 18 - US Senate lawmakers are considering a bill that would somewhat restrict the president’s powers to go to war. Ron Paul, a former congressman and interventionism critic, says he is highly skeptical of the initiative.
News ID: 21864    Publish Date : 2018/04/18