US Senate approves $716bn military budget

Young journalists club

News ID: 24610
Publish Date: 12:56 - 19 June 2018
TEHRAN, June 19 - The US Senate has almost unanimously approved a massive $716 billion military spending bill for the upcoming financial year, supporting President Donald Trump’s calls for expanding the country’s war machine.

US Senate approves $716bn military budget

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill came up for vote on Monday and was passed in a 85-10 vote amid strong bipartisan support.

The Senate version of the 2019 NDAA sets aside $639 billion for base costs such as purchasing new weapons, warships and military aircraft as well as paying the troops, while allocating an additional $69 billion to fund ongoing war that the US military is involved in.

To become law, the bill needs be merged with a similar version that the House of Representatives passed in late May with an effortless 351-66 vote.

While the Senate bill meets most of the administration’s requirements, it also contains several amendments that are expected to prompt disagreement at the White House.

Reducing US support for Saudi war on Yemen

One of the most controversial aspects of the new NDAA is an amendment that prevents the US military from providing aerial refueling support for aircraft that Saudi Arabia and its allies have been using to carry out airstrikes against the people of Yemen since March 2015.

The bill states that exceptions can only be made once Secretary of State Mike Pompeo certifies that the Riyadh regime is taking urgent steps to end the war and ease the humanitarian crisis in the impoverished Yemen.

US Senate approves $716bn military budget
At least 13,600 people have been killed since the onset of Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against Yemen. Much of the Arabian Peninsula country's infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and factories, has been reduced to rubble due to the war.

The US, the UK, France and other Western powers have been providing Saudis with weapons and intelligence over the course of war despite international outcry.

Source: Press TV

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