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Tags - task
Monday, 27 September 2021 (YJC)_ The Iraqi Prime Minister, in the presence of the security commanders and the officials of the institutions providing services to the Arbaeen Al-Husseini pilgrims, emphasized that serving the pilgrims of Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (AS) is a great moral, human and religious duty.
News ID: 53615    Publish Date : 2021/09/27

TEHRAN, Mar 05 - European Council President Donald Tusk called on voters across the continent to reject anti-European parties he said had been set up by hostile foreign forces and could try to use upcoming EU parliamentary elections to seize influence in Brussels.
News ID: 36338    Publish Date : 2019/03/05

TEHRAN, September 27 - British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will voice his party’s readiness to govern and to take over the job of negotiating Brexit.
News ID: 13332    Publish Date : 2017/09/27