Tags - uk

Young journalists club

Tags - uk
Wednesday, 18 August 2021 (YJC)_ The UK ambassador to Afghanistan confirmed 700 people were evacuated yesterday and there are plans to 'scale up' the effort.
News ID: 52787    Publish Date : 2021/08/18

Wednesday, 18 August 2021 (YJC)_UK will only accept 5,000 Afghan refugees this year, as Home Secretary Patel urges other nations to share burden.
News ID: 52766    Publish Date : 2021/08/18

Sunday, 15 August 2021 (YJC)_ Britain's prime minister said US decision to withdraw troops has accelerated things in Afghanistan.
News ID: 52720    Publish Date : 2021/08/15

Saturday, 14 August 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Britain for taking Iran’s money hostage for releasing prisoners.
News ID: 52696    Publish Date : 2021/08/14

Friday, 13 August 2021 (YJC)_ Russia has told a BBC journalist working in Moscow to leave the country by the end of this month in retaliation for what it called London's discrimination against Russian journalists.
News ID: 52680    Publish Date : 2021/08/13

Thursday, 12 August 2021 (YJC)_ Aafter a Briton working at the UK embassy in Berlin was arrested in Germany on suspicion of spying, MPs are calling for a review of private contractors in British embassies.
News ID: 52661    Publish Date : 2021/08/12

Thursday, 12 August 2021 (YJC)_ In reaction to the photo published by the ambassadors of Britain and Russia, Iran's Parliament Speaker called for their immediate apology.
News ID: 52656    Publish Date : 2021/08/12

Thursday, 12 August 2021 (YJC)_ President Raeisi's proposed foriegn minister said that the rapid correction of non-diplomatic moves is a necessity.
News ID: 52655    Publish Date : 2021/08/12

Tuesday, 10 August 2021 (YJC)_ The Belarusian Foreign Ministry condemned the new sanctions imposed against Minsk by the US, the UK and Canada.
News ID: 52623    Publish Date : 2021/08/10

Saturday, 7 August 2021 (YJC)_ The foreign secretary has agreed to consider allowing Afghan journalists who worked for the British.
News ID: 52562    Publish Date : 2021/08/07

Thursday ,5 August 2021 (YJC)_ Russia believes that there is a need to establish facts before taking any action in relation to last week’s attack on the Mercer Street tanker.
News ID: 52507    Publish Date : 2021/08/05

Sunday ,1 August 2021 (YJC)_ The United Kingdom has claimed that Iran carried out the drone attack that killed two aboard an oil tanker off Oman.
News ID: 52458    Publish Date : 2021/08/01

Wednesday,21 July 2021 (YJC) _ According to the the US Justice Department British man was arrested by authorities in Spain and is facing multiple charges.
News ID: 52333    Publish Date : 2021/07/21

Tuesday,20 July 2021 (YJC) _Official figures reveal 14.3% of children were not in class because of coronavirus-related issues.
News ID: 52321    Publish Date : 2021/07/20

Sunday,18 July 2021 (YJC) _ Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister blasted the US and UK for linking a humanitarian exchange of prisoners with Vienna talks.
News ID: 52300    Publish Date : 2021/07/18

Friday,9 July 2021 (YJC) _ Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson over the phone.
News ID: 52225    Publish Date : 2021/07/09

Thursday,8 July 2021 (YJC) _ The head of Britain's armed forces claimed that there is the possibility that Afghanistan could be on a path to civil war as American and other foreign troops leave.
News ID: 52217    Publish Date : 2021/07/08

Tuesday,6 July 2021 (YJC) _ MPs say Britain is funding groups that ‘whitewash human rights abuses’ in Gulf states.
News ID: 52200    Publish Date : 2021/07/06

Thursday, 1 July 2021 (YJC) _ The intelligence services of the United States and the United Kingdom issued a joint advisory claiming the alleged devious hacking activities of Russia's GRU military intelligence.
News ID: 52144    Publish Date : 2021/07/01

Thursday, 1 July 2021 (YJC) _The Russian Foreign Ministry stated the US and NATO countries are turning the Black Sea into a confrontation zone.
News ID: 52143    Publish Date : 2021/07/01