Tags - snowden

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Tags - snowden
Israeli ministers are demanding an end to U.S. spying on Israel following revelations that the National Security Agency intercepted emails from the offices of former top Israeli officials.
News ID: 3039    Publish Date : 2013/12/22

Australia and the United States mounted a joint surveillance operation on Indonesia during the 2007 United Nations climate change conference in Bali, a report said Sunday.
News ID: 2565    Publish Date : 2013/11/03

American whistleblower Edward Snowden says the international community can persuade the US government to drop spying charges against him.
News ID: 2548    Publish Date : 2013/11/02

In Europe, America's friends are furious, in the Middle East they are mystified and in the Pacific, they are merely puzzled.
News ID: 2481    Publish Date : 2013/10/26

The National Security Agency's website went down for several hours Friday, but the US spy service known for hacking into computer networks blamed the outage on a technical mistake.
News ID: 2474    Publish Date : 2013/10/26

Leaks from Edward Snowden have helped America's adversaries and represent the most serious breach of classified information in US history, the CIA's former number-two ranking official said in an interview Friday.
News ID: 2472    Publish Date : 2013/10/26

Glenn Greenwald, the former Guardian reporter who broke many of the recent stories about secret US surveillance programs, claimed Monday that all Latin American countries had been spied on by Washington.
News ID: 2444    Publish Date : 2013/10/22

Snowden underlined the dangers of NSA spy programs, saying, "It's a sort of dragnet mass surveillance that puts entire populations under a sort of eye that sees everything, even when it's not needed.”
News ID: 2384    Publish Date : 2013/10/13

The National Security Agency's spying targeted the private computer networks of Google, a company that facilitates most of the world's international bank transfers and Brazil's state-run oil firm Petrobras, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, a Brazilian TV report said Sunday night.
News ID: 2078    Publish Date : 2013/09/09

Tehran, YJC. -- US President Barack Obama on Wednesday scrapped a Moscow summit with Russia's Vladimir Putin, with the White House citing inadequate progress in relations and disappointment over the Edward Snowden affair.
News ID: 1840    Publish Date : 2013/08/08

Tehran, YJC. -- The father of American whistleblower Edward Snowden says he is “thankful” for what his son did - revealing US government’s spying programs.
News ID: 1774    Publish Date : 2013/07/31

Tehran, YJC. -- US Vice President Joe Biden called Brazil's president Friday to respond to alleged US electronic spying disclosed by rogue intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, Brasilia said.
News ID: 1685    Publish Date : 2013/07/20

Tehran, YJC. -- US leaker Edward Snowden, who has said he wants to apply for asylum in Russia, is studying his options and likely to make a decision shortly, a lawyer said Tuesday.
News ID: 1667    Publish Date : 2013/07/16

Tehran, YJC. -- Edward Snowden, the fugitive intelligence leaker wanted by the United States, has still not applied for temporary asylum in Russia despite vowing to do so last week, officials said Monday.
News ID: 1654    Publish Date : 2013/07/15

Tehran, YJC. Araqchi has said that so far there has been no request by Snowden to take refuge in Iran.
News ID: 1644    Publish Date : 2013/07/14

Tehran, YJC. -- Hopes have risen that Edward Snowden may finally be able to leave Moscow, after three Latin American countries offered the fugitive US intelligence leaker asylum.
News ID: 1570    Publish Date : 2013/07/07

Tehran, YJC. -- Former US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has applied for political asylum in Norway, the Norwegian foreign ministry confirmed on Tuesday.
News ID: 1541    Publish Date : 2013/07/03

Tehran, YJC. -- Bolivia's foreign minister on Tuesday denied that fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden was traveling with President Evo Morales in his plane, which was forced to land in Austria.
News ID: 1539    Publish Date : 2013/07/03

Tehran, YJC. -- European Parliament president Martin Schulz said Tuesday he was sympathetic to an asylum request by fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, comparing reports of US spying on EU offices to "KGB methods".
News ID: 1531    Publish Date : 2013/07/02

Tehran, YJC. -- A Fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden on Monday accused US President Barack Obama of "pressuring the leaders" of countries from which he has sought protection.
News ID: 1523    Publish Date : 2013/07/02