Tags - sudan

Young journalists club

Tags - sudan
Sudanese rebels say they have launched a major operation against an area in South Kordofan which a controversial counter-insurgency unit showed off to journalists after "liberating" it last week.
News ID: 4248    Publish Date : 2014/05/25

The United States on Thursday urged Sudan to safeguard the right of peaceful assembly, after security forces allegedly shot and killed a university student.
News ID: 3695    Publish Date : 2014/03/13

Sudanese police allegedly opened fire Monday on demonstrators from a camp for displaced people in the troubled Darfur region, wounding an unconfirmed number, peacekeepers said.
News ID: 3509    Publish Date : 2014/02/18

Tehran, YJC. Sudan’s Parliament Speaker has met Hashemi in Tehran.
News ID: 3504    Publish Date : 2014/02/17

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday demanded an immediate end to violence in South Sudan, warning that tens of thousands remained vulnerable.
News ID: 3032    Publish Date : 2013/12/22

The United States and other foreign powers stepped up pressure on South Sudan's feuding ethnic factions to settle their differences, as Washington dispatched an envoy to the violence-wracked region.
News ID: 3017    Publish Date : 2013/12/21