CAIRO, Jan 17, 2015 (AFP) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged Saturday $2.5 billion in non-military aid for the Middle East as he launched a regional tour that includes visits to Jordan and Israel.
Tehran, YJC. The Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) has sent aid convoys to the war-torn Gaza Strip in order to alleviate the hardships people are suffering there.
The United Nations Security Council is set to adopt a resolution Monday authorizing humanitarian convoys to serve millions of Syrian civilians by traveling from neighboring Turkey, Jordan and Iraq.
The United States quietly sent around $572 million in aid to Egypt some 10 days ago after Congress finally approved its release, US officials s aid on Sunday.
The United States will unveil $300 million Monday in new aid initiatives for Afghanistan for the impoverished nation as the war economy winds down and global troops withdraw, a US official s aid .
UN aid deliveries to rebel-held areas in the Syrian city of Homs were to begin Saturday, a day after dozens of civilians who survived more than 600 days of army siege were evacuated.
Russia to further provide
humanitarian aid to Syria through international organisations and in the
bilateral format, the Foreign Ministry s aid on Wednesday.