Tags - sanction

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Tags - sanction
Tehran,YJC. -- Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Western sanction s will fail to force the Islamic Republic to change its foreign policy principles.
News ID: 1949    Publish Date : 2013/08/23

Tehran, YJC. -- Iranian President Hassan Rohani has called on Western governments to stop using the language of sanction s to address the Islamic Republic.
News ID: 1818    Publish Date : 2013/08/05

Tehran, YJC. -- Russia said on Thursday a vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to tighten sanction s against Iran would not help resolve the dispute over Tehran's nuclear programme.
News ID: 1786    Publish Date : 2013/08/01

Tehran, YJC. Qasemi says that Iran is trying to find new customers for Iranian oil in order to make the sales continue.
News ID: 1738    Publish Date : 2013/07/24

Tehran, YJC. Iranian economist says that an anti- sanction civil movement must be formed which will try to isolate the US in putting sanction s on Iran.
News ID: 1661    Publish Date : 2013/07/16

Tehran, YJC. -- The immediate elimination of some kinds of sanction s against Iran is possible, but the easing of some sanction s would take several years due to complicated legal procedures, Iranian political scientist, international relations expert Davoud Hermidas-Bavand told Trend.
News ID: 1608    Publish Date : 2013/07/10

Tehran, YJC. CEO of Saderat Bank has said that the EU General Court verdict removing sanction s will soon be finalized, removing sanction s previously imposed in the bank.
News ID: 1574    Publish Date : 2013/07/07

Tehran, YJC. Official says that from the 5+1 message to Iran it can be discerned that sanction s on the petrochemical section might be lessened.
News ID: 1561    Publish Date : 2013/07/06

Tehran, YJC. The Chamber of Commerce has said that it would like to tell the US to be positive about the course of events and suspend sanction s until the Rouhani administration commences.
News ID: 1519    Publish Date : 2013/07/01

Tehran, YJC. -- Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rohani says he will seek “constructive interaction” with the world through a moderate policy after he takes the oath of office in early August.
News ID: 1398    Publish Date : 2013/06/17

Tehran, YJC. Hermidas Bavand has said that Rouhani must know the value of his public support and prevent a bad experience like Khatami’s in loosing this support.
News ID: 1395    Publish Date : 2013/06/17

TEHRAN, YJC. -- The action, taken by the Treasury Department, was one of the broadest in the American-led effort to isolate and pressure Iran economically.
News ID: 1287    Publish Date : 2013/06/05