Tehran, YJC. Hermidas Bavand has said that Rouhani must know the value of his public support and prevent a bad experience like Khatami’s in loosing this support.

affairs expert and Professor of International Law and International Relations at
the University of Tehran Davoud Hermidas Bavand said in an interview with a local news agency "I hope
that the President would be able to use his public support in objectifying his
mottos in domestic and foreign policy to prevent another bitter experience like
that of Khatami who could not use this support.”
he added "Rouhani must in the first step use as ministers those with Reformist
values so that they will be able to act freely. He must avoid choosing imposed
ministers who lack freedom.”
Bavand believed "What will lead in gradual decrease and final elimination of
sanctions is a tendency to understanding. Mr. Rouhani must unlike the past use
a policy of alleviation and détente to build affinity based on mutual
interests. He must conduct productive negotiations.”
He further
said "A healthy relation between domestic and foreign management can be
effective, that is, the foreign policy must be adjusted to some relative
internal changes.”
He stated
that the international view of Rouhani is more or less based on Reformist
values and added "Some domestic actions in political freedom can stimulate an especially
powerful impact, offering a new countenance in respect for international values
and rights.”
said that adopting such aspect will open a new way in Rouhani’s negotiations
with foreign countries and build a favorable atmosphere for further
He pointed
to the country’s economic problems as being greatly influenced by sanctions and
believed that an approach based on détente will help remove sanctions from the country.